Prologue: The Day From Years Ago! An Unkown Object Found

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers here is the. Prologue of this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

Location: Vale

"Team RWBY are in Vale getting some supplies as they are looking around looking at parts and ammo along with the clips as they looked around, as Ruby looks she changes her attention to a weapons magazine as she grabs it and reads it. Weiss looks as she walks up to her and grabs it, then Ruby looks at Weiss.....................
Weiss: "Ruby, there's no time to look at a magazine. You can look at it another time, we have parts to look for and buy."
Ruby: *sighs* "Okay, fine."
.....................Ruby walks to another part of the store as Weiss puts the magazine back, then they bought what they were looking for and they continue back to Beacon. But, then they see a group of people as they're wearing some kind of outfits and they have signs in their hands as they are yelling.....................
Weiss: "Probably another Faunus Civil Rights riot."
Yang: "We better get outta here before it gets worse."
Blake: "I don't think it's that. Look again, at the signs."
.......................they look and they see it isn't something about Faunus rights, they see the words 'G.R.D' on one of them and a picture of something they couldn't recognize as Team RWBY walks up to one of em as she taps on a woman's shoulder as she looked at her....................
Ruby: "Excuse me, I was wondering what's going on?"
Random Woman 1: "You don't know? This is the day that happened 34 years ago."
Weiss: *walks next to Ruby* "What day?"
Random Guy 1: "The day Godzilla saved us all!"
........................the girls looked at each other as they see someone walking on a stage with a megaphone.....................
Random Guy 2: "On this day, 34 years ago Godzilla sacrificed himself to save our planet from destruction. Some people thought he was a monster that would destroy us and we would face extinction, but with what proof? Godzilla saved us and people treat him as a threat still and are afraid that if he returned he would destroy us. But, I bet you he would protect us, destroy all the Grimm, and give us a good future."
.........................they cheer as they raise their hands in the air as they shout in agreement, then Team RWBY walks away as Ruby looks at the crowd again...................
Ruby: "It's been that long when Godzilla was around?"
Weiss: "Yeah. Too long, everyone doesn't know what happened to him after that."
Yang: "What actually happened?"
Blake: "He suffered an injury in his shoulder that was noticeable and as he was going to use his atomic breathe it came out his shoulder. People thought he exploded, but there was no damage or anything left from Godzilla was found."
Ruby: "But, what happened to him then?"
Weiss: "Still unknown. I hope we find out one day."

3rd P.O.V
Timeskip-Three Days Later
Location: Middle of the Ocean the middle of the ocean, a fishing boat has a net in the water catching fish as it goes by and the guys in the ship are relaxing as the guy in the ship quarters making sure everything is okay. Then a guy outside is looking at the ocean as he relaxes, but an unknown glows is seen underwater as it goes up to the surface, then as it gets closer it gets caught in the net of the ship and it fully stops it as the guys get confused.......................
Fisherman 1: "HEY! WHAT'S GOING ON?!?!?"
Fisherman 2: "I don't know. It just stopped all of the sudden, did we get too much?"
........................the guy who was relaxing looks at the net as he sees the glowing object as he freaks out and looks back....................
........................he walks to the back of this ship and he saw it as he takes a closer look, he grabs a poker as he goes to poke it. As he does it breaks the blade of the poker as his eyes widen. Then at an Atlas base, a scroll rings as a guy grabs it and answers it...............
Lieutenant Braxen: "Braxten! What? What do you mean? Alright, tell Ironwood to meet me at the location."
.........................he hangs up as he takes a bullhead to the fishing docks as Atlas soldiers are keeping a crowd away from looking at the object that was found, Ironwood arrives along with Braxten as they walk on the docks and to the object as it emits a bluish glow from it.......................
Ironwood: "What the heck is this thing?"
Braxten: "I don't know sir, whatever it is. I don't like the look of it, one of the fishermen poked it and the blade of the poker broke instantly."
Ironwood: "Strange, this is a big discovery. *places his hand on his chin as he thinks, then he looks at Braxten* I want this object taken to a base and I want a research group on this thing. We will find out."
Braxten: "On it sir! *looks at some soldiers* Get some cables ready, take this to the research base and get a research team on it."
Atlas Soldiers: "Yes sir!"
...........................two bullheads are flying over it as cables wrapped around it as its secure and stable, they takes off as its fully seen from the water as its huge and everyone starts freaking out as it flies over them. At Beacon everyone looks at it from a big screen as they are in complete shock at what they're seeing as well.......................
Jaune: "What is that?"
Weiss: "Whatever it is, it's emitting that glow."
Ren: "Why though?"
Pyrrha: "I just hope it's nothing bad, it's kinda shaped familiar."
Blake: "I recognize it too, but what shape."

Timeskip-Two Months Later
Location Change: Atlas Research Base a research base multiple scientists are around the object as they are testing it, then in another room they have wires in the object and are testing it as the light emits from it. Braxten is in the room with the scientists as he looks at the monitors as well.....................
Male Scientist: "This light keeps glowing every acouple of seconds, nothing changed during the time. It's not getting brighter or dimmer, the time limit for the glow hasn't changed as well."
Braxten: "Then does it mean a danger?"
Male Scientist: "No. Not exactly."
Female Scientist: "That's not all. Look at this."
............................he looks as he sees its a power scale as it has two bars, one is regular and one to his surprise is an aura as well as they're rising at the same time....................
Braxten: "This thing has aura emitting as well? How is that possible?"
Female Scientist: "Don't know. But, if we discover this thing more we can use it to make anyone's aura better than normal. Maybe stringer and better."
Braxten: "I see. You two stay here and if any changes happens, let me know tomorrow."
Male and Female Scientist: "Yes sir."
Braxten: *pushes a button on the intercom* "All of you get some rest, we'll continue tomorrow."
...............................they places things down as they get out and the two scientists stay. As the room is now dark the blue light emits, then as it continues it glows brighter and electricity starts appearing, one of the scientists is relaxing as the other is sleeping. But, it was interrupted with a beeping sound and a red light beeps as they look.......................
Male Scientist: "What's happening?"
Female Scientist: "I don't know. It's getting too much power and aura."
................................everything in the room breaks apart, things being knocked over, the glass starts cracking as the male scientist looks up.....................
Male Scientist: "GET DOWN!"
................................he pushes her down as the glass breaks and the alarm goes off as everything is destroyed, the objects in the room destroyed. But, then the object stays glowing as something can be hardly seen in it as its unidentified."

To be continued...............

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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