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a/n: italics will be flashback and bold in italics will be thoughts in flashback.

*7 years later*

harry smiles at her wife, giggling at louis' goofy facial expressions as an attempt to make their one-almost-two year old daughter, taylor, laugh. though it only gains a small smile. "fine. be like that, then, tay tay."

taylor giggles and starts mumbling, "mama," chant like. that is until harry walks over to taylor and swopes her up and spins her around, causing the toddler to bust out laughing. louis gasps, exclaiming, "blasphemy! i'm the funny one in this relationship. not you. me."

harry chuckles. "love, calm down. you are the funny one. i'm the... i don't know what i am."

louis smirks before replying," the bottom. the sub. the-"

"oh, shush it. our daughter's right here, smart one," harry interrupts.

louis laughs. "you're such a mom. you're the mom in this relationship."

harry can't help, but let out a little laugh as she rolls her eyes. "child. you are a child, lou lou."

louis sticks her tongue out at harry. "says the little calling me lou lou. i'm the older one here, peasant."

"okay, child."

louis pouts and crosses her arms. "i'm joking. you're a princess, babygirl." after a moment, she continues, "but i'm a queen. i'm above you."

harry raises an eyebrow to question louis' actions. "okay, child." she scoffs. "and i'm the little here."

louis cups harry's cheek as she mutters, "hazza, we're equal. i mean that, darling. i love you."

harry grins and pulls louis in for a kiss as she whispers, "i love you more."

with that, harry deepens the kiss, swiping her tongue over louis' bottom lip, silently asking for entrance, though harry easily submits to louis' dominance immediately after.

they kiss for a few moments until their make out session gets a little too heated, causing louis to pull away, reminding harry, "the baby's right there. and just so you know, i love you the most."

harry counters. "i love you the mostest mostest most. and taylor likes me more. that's why i'm the one she finds funny, even though you're the funny one."

louis scoffs. "no. taylor likes me more. isn't that right, tay tay?" taylor giggles as she shakes her head, though the two don't know if their daughter genuinely understood the question and was answering it.

louis huffs. "whatever. i don't know how she finds your dad jokes funny. they're worse than jin's."

harry scrunches her eyebrows in confusion. "who?"

louis gasps. "mr. world wide handsome, haz? y'know? he usually introduces himself as, 'i'm jin. i'm world wide handsome.'"

"oh," harry mumbles in realization. "did you know i was briefly into kpop when i met you? i was much more into girls' generation and bigbang back then. i also liked brown eyed girls, 2ne1, and after school. they hold a special place in my heart. it's not that bts and blackpink weren't around. i mean, obviously, they were; they were huge, very popular. i will give some credit to bts because they've been around since 2013, while others were 2016, 2017, etc. though, i secretly liked exo, red velvet, exid, oh my girl, etc. but they were after 2011, so... anyway, the older kpop was what i liked better and i'll stand by that."

louis giggles as she sarcastically responds, "i didn't ask for a whole rant, babe."

harry fake gags. "don't call me babe."

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