chapter 10

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harry skims her closet, trying to figure out something to wear. she wants to wear something casual, but also date-worthy. she contemplates for a few minutes, before deciding on a cute long sleeved black dress and black thigh garters. she finds a pair of black spider earrings, then applies clear lip gloss.

just as she slips her shoes on, her mum calls her name. she heads downstairs and anne grins. "you look so beautiful, honey. where are you guys going on your date?"

harry shrugs. "i don't know. lou said it's a surprise. thank you, though, mum."

"you guys really are the cutest. i'm taking pictures."

harry rolls her eyes, though truthfully, she doesn't mind. she poses for a few pictures, which anne proudly takes.

just then, the doorbell rings. louis steps inside as harry opens the door. "hey, lou," harry says as she greets her girlfriend with a kiss on the cheek.

"hi, love," louis replies, kissing harry on the cheek, as well. then, louis turns to anne. "hey, anne, it's okay if i borrow your daughter for the night, right?"

anne happily nods. "yes, but no sex."

harry's eyes widen and her cheeks turn a bright red as she buries her face into louis' shoulder. louis chuckles and promises, "okay, deal. no sex."

anne takes a few pictures of the girls together, then they say goodbye as harry and louis leaves.

as louis drives, harry asks, "where are we going?"

louis shakes her head. "babygirl, i already told you, it's a surprise."

harry pouts and slouches. "it's only 17:30. i'm curious."

louis raises her eyebrow. "are you misbehaving?"

harry quickly shakes her head. "no no, lou lou."


louis drives, glancing over at harry every so often, causing harry to playfully scold her to pay attention to the road. harry controls the radio, the car speakers playing "S. L. U. T." by bea miller. harry happily sings along, laughing at louis shaking her head. "why are you controlling the radio again?" louis asks.

harry rolls her eyes. "because i'm amazing." louis shoots harry an unamused look. harry sticks her tongue out at louis, before answering, "it's payback for you not telling where we're going. plus, your ears should be blessed to listen to this."

louis sighs, smiling. "if you say so. and i want it to be a surprise. is that too much to ask?"

harry nods. "yeah, it is."

just as "7 rings" by ariana grande starts playing, louis pulls into a parking lot. "we're here, love."

harry smiles. "okay. lead the way, beautiful."

louis fakes shock. "i thought i meant more to you than to be called beautiful, but okay."

harry rolls her eyes with a smile on her face. "okay, fine. lead the way, mommy." then harry pulls louis in for a kiss, the two filled with bliss.

once they pull apart, louis replies, "that's much better." then, she grabs harry's hand and leads her inside the store.

once they reach the front doors, harry gasps. "a bookstore? louis 'the tommo' tomlinson in a bookstore? is the world ending?"

louis playfully (yet gently) shoves harry. "i happen to like reading, thank you very much."

harry smiles. "okay, okay."

they walk into the bookstore together and gaze at all of the books. harry beams. "did i ever tell you that i really like reading?"

"no, but everyone can always use a good book."

innocent ♡ fem!larryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora