chapter 8

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harry grins. she looks at louis and her smile grows wider, her eyes crinkling, dimples dominant. "louis, did you know you're beautiful?" harry whispers.

louis shrugs. "sure i did." louis laughs, then adds, "but you're more beautiful, did you know that?"

harry blushes and shakes her head. "no. no, that's quite impossible, lou lou. i cannot be more beautiful than you are because you are the most beautiful. your beauty compares to no one. you would always win."

louis' expression visibly softens. "you really mean that?"

harry nods. "'course i do."

sensing some insecurity, louis cups harry's face and looks directly into the taller's forest green eyes, now slightly tinted with pastel blue. "hey, haz. you're beautiful. gorgeous, even. the most gorgeous girl i've ever met, inside and out. you're the absolute kindest human being to exist and your captivating allure literally takes my breath away every single time my eyes lay on you. besides, you shouldn't compare yourself to me. everyone's beauty is different, baby girl. no two can compare to each other. it isn't fair. though, you are special. your charm is everything and could never compare to anyone else. they're nothing. you're everything."

harry opens her mouth to reply, then closes it, at a complete loss of words. tears roll down her cheeks and she laughs, her face as red as a strawberry. "lou..."

louis softly caresses harry's cheek. "it's okay. take your time, love."

harry playfully glares at louis. "t-thank you. you mean the world to, t-to me." harry sniffles, slightly frustrated with herself for crying. "sorry. you just got me all sentimental over here. your words touched me. you really mean the world to me, lou. everything about you makes me happy."

louis smiles. "stop it," she whines. "you have me about to cry, as well. yucky emotions."

harry laughs. "you started it."

louis gasps. "i did not. you did."

harry rolls her eyes. "i didn't start the emotional words. i, um, don't know. but you started it, not i."

"fine, you win. this time, anyway."

harry sticks her tongue out at louis. "okay, lou lou."

louis rolls her eyes, then grabs harry's hands. harry turns at her head and gazes at their hands, thinking about how natural it feels for their hands to slip together.

they lay together, side by side on harry's bed. louis ends up dozing off and harry simply stares at her, noticing how truly gorgeous louis is. her long, straight-ish brown hair was captivating to look at, the once red tips now a soft pink. louis' eyelashes weirdly interest harry, fascinating her with their unique beauty. her lips are addicting to harry, the natural hue a pretty pink, the smooth feel of her lips, and the gentle way louis softly kisses her each time causes harry to now realize how addicted to kissing louis she is.

harry sighs and whispers, "i really like you, louis. i truly do." nothing would change between them. louis doesn't know harry's feelings and harry has no idea if she'll ever get the guts to admit it to louis. little does harry know, louis is listening, though she is half-asleep.


louis grins, her eyes crinkling. "hey, haz. let me tell you a joke."

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