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harry looks at her feet, which are currently in bright red flats. she smiles and twirls around in her new red dress her mother, anne, got for her. she giggles at the pretty flow of the twirl, then walks over to her dresser and applies mascara and lip gloss.

she smiles at her reflection, satisfied with her looks, then grabs her backpack and speed walks down the stairs. she sees her mother with a red bull and innocently asks, "ooh, can i have one?"

anne looks at her, suspicion in her eyes. "just this once," she reluctantly replies.

harry beams and grabs the can, then walks out the door to the car, waiting for her mum to come out, which she soon does.

as anne drives harry to school, she lets harry control the radio because harry looks very happy and anne wants nothing to change that, not because it's rare for harry to be happy, rather she likes to see her daughter smile. though, that means listening to bubblegum pop. it isn't horrible to listen to since harry only listens to it occasionally, but it's still unpleasant.

when they arrive at the high school, harry says a quick goodbye to her mum. racing off into the school, she presses the home button on her phone and switches to the apple music app and plays "young, dumb, & broke" by khalid.

she nods her head to the song and puts her textbooks she'll need later in her locker. she closes her eyes and lets khalid's voice fill her ears with catchy, simple music, before closing her locker door.

a tap on her shoulder causes her to jump, startled. harry takes out a headphone and turns around to see who that tap belongs to, almost giving the lilac-haired girl whiplash. "niall," harry exclaims. "i thought i told you to stop doing that. you know i get startled easily."

niall puts her bottle blonde hair into a ponytail as she sassily replies, "well, stop turning your music up so loud that you can't hear your surroundings. maybe then, you would get startled less."

harry rolls her eyes, smiling as they walk to the cafeteria to get breakfast. they walk through the line, which is practically empty today, harry getting a smoothie, while niall gets 2 muffins and a small container of cereal. then, they head to the library. "hey, i gotta use the bathroom real quick. i'll be there in a few."

niall nods as harry lazily jogs to the bathroom. she pushes open the door, only to bump into a breathtaking girl. "oops," harry says.

harry can't help, but notice the girl she bumped into has crystal blue eyes, the exact color of a cold ocean, one that only causes brutal damage, but is absolutely mesmerizing to look at. her hair is down and is the exact color of chocolate milk with bright red highlights, as bright as a red stoplight. the blue-eyed girl looks up into harry's pretty lake water green eyes and says," hi."

harry smiles and replies, "um, hi. i'm, uh, i'm harry. what's your name?"

the shorter girl smiles and says, "harry styles, right? it sounds like a celebrity name, now that i think about it. i think i've heard of you before. anyway, i'm louis."

louis looks at harry's astonishing lilac hair and only hopes she will become friends with this beautiful female.

harry smiles and replies, giggly, "louis, huh? pretty name. it sounds like a name meant for royalty. anyway, uh, yeah, i'm harry styles. l-o-l. i could never be a celebrity, but thanks, i guess. how have you heard of me?"

louis smirks at harry. "just some rumors about you. they're all positive things, i promise. and you actually say l-o-l? oh, jeez, harry. you really could be a celebrity. i can see it now. also, i would be in no shape for royalty. it'd be cool, yeah, but it just wouldn't be for me, y'know? and my name's not pretty. i wish it was pronounced lew-iss, not lou-ee, but my mum wanted it that way."

harry laughs, then beams at louis. "your name sounds prettier the way it is. your mum made a good choice. maybe you're not meant for royalty, but it'd still be cool, like you said. and you flatter me. but seriously, you fool, i'm not meant to be a celebrity. and of course, i say l-o-l, silly. stop acting like a fool. i'm glad people don't say mean things about me. well, they probably do because people are mean. anyway..."

louis giggles. she actually giggles and she doesn't know the last time she genuinely laughed. "you're silly, harry. and you're right. people are mean, but you are a delicate flower and if i ever catch them being mean to pretty, little flower girls like you, my foot will be in their ass. i think you could indeed be a celebrity. gorgeous smile, charming personality, absolutely stunning. your beauty screams celebrity, harry."

harry blushes and pouts, smirking at the end of her sentence. "you're silly. i'm supposed to be the one flirting. not you. ME."

attempting to prevent any tension, harry dreamily adds, gushing, "you're so perfect, louis. i hope i'll see you later. i really do have to go pee and my friend will wonder where i've been. bye, pretty girl. you're really sweet."

louis grins. "bye, harry. i hope i'll see you around again." right before louis walks out the door, she adds, "oh, one more thing: i've heard you're innocent, harry. i can see why they say that. at least, i thought i did, miss i-flirt-not-you."

harry laughs as louis leaves the bathroom, glad she met this wonderful girl. she urinates as quickly as she can, washes her hands, then jogs back to the library.

"what took you so long, harry?" niall asks, amused.

harry smirks and answers, "nothing really."

niall shakes her head. "no, i know that face. i know better. what happened?"

harry huffs and cheekily replies, "i met this girl in the bathroom. she's nice and really pretty, niall. like really pretty."

niall smirks. "her name?"

harry glares at niall. "why should I tell you, blondie?"

"because I'm your best friend."

harry pretends to think about it and says, "ah, right."

niall demands, "harry. name. now."

harry rolls her eyes and murmurs, "gosh. so demanding. her name is louis."

niall's eyes widen. "louis? louis tomlinson? louis 'the tommo' tomlinson?"

harry nods her head. "i think so. brown hair with red highlights? beautiful blue eyes? kinda short?"

"yeah, that's her. i always knew you two would be so cute togeth-"

"niall, shush. nothing happened. i just met her. jeez," harry snaps.

the bell rings and the two girls sigh. "bye, harry. i'll talk to you about your girlfriend later."

harry rolls her eyes. "bye, niall."

as harry walks back to class, she thinks about louis' gray band tee, which displayed the fray, if she remembers correctly, louis' dark gray skinny jeans, and light grey converse shoes. as harry's eyes fill with fond, she realizes she's going to be in some big trouble if this keeps happening. maybe louis is different. she has to be.

i'm back with a new story. i hope you all will enjoy it! i'll try to have the next chapter uploaded by louis' birthday!

tell me what you think of this. have a good day/night! :)


p.s. i read like 2/3 of this to my mom to get her feedback and she said it sounded like i was trying to lead it in to an x-rated part. she knows my intentions. oh, no. 😨

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