chapter 3

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there is no beating around the bush. trust louis on this. she knows. she's tried. there's no escaping it. louis likes harry. and she has no idea what to do about it. they've only known each other for 8 days, but with each day, her attraction to harry only grows.

she's admitted to herself that she has a crush on harry, but she has no idea what she's going to do. harry probably doesn't even like louis back. louis sighs. she needs to talk to someone. but who?

hmmm... i can't talk to liam because i don't think she knows harry enough. luke and calum don't even know who harry is. i could talk to niall. i know she's close friends with harry. i mean she did give me harry's number, so she'd probably be willing to help me.

louis pulls out her phone from her back pocket and goes to niall's contact, deciding to message her.

to: [irish blondie 🤗🙃]

um hey ni

from: [irish blondie 🤗🙃]

hey whats up

to: [irish blondie 🤗🙃]

er i kinda have a crush on someone and i don't know what to do about it

from: [irish blondie 🤗🙃]

ooh who is it

to: [irish blondie 🤗🙃]

a mutual friend

from: [irish blondie 🤗🙃]


to: [irish blondie 🤗🙃]


from: [irish blondie 🤗🙃]

awww thats so cute

to: [irish blondie 🤗🙃]

i don't know what to do about it

from: [irish blondie 🤗🙃]

does she like u back

to: [irish blondie 🤗🙃]

i have no idea. it's not like i can just ask her that

from: [irish blondie 🤗🙃]

do u want me to ask her

to: [irish blondie 🤗🙃]


to: [irish blondie 🤗🙃]


to: [irish blondie 🤗🙃]


to: [irish blondie 🤗🙃]

i don't know

from: [irish blondie 🤗🙃]

yes no maybe

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