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Sunlight seeped through my closed curtains making a sigh escape my lips. Not long after my alarm went off and my sigh turned to an annoyed groan. Shuffling a hand around the bed it came in contact with my phone and switched off the alarm with great pleasure. Moments later I hoisted myself off the pillows with hair scattered across my face. Although my field of vision lacked I managed to swiftly stride to the bathroom remembering the layout of my apartment quite well after two years.

The bright light of the bathroom light made me hiss before doing the normal things, going to the toilet, looking at the crazy witch in the mirror before realizing it was me and then having a shower.
Work started in an hour, I had convinced my parents that a job as a secretary of the CEO of witches wisdom was not a cult or going to make my skin turn green but a fashion company. So I moved out of home and into the city for a new start occasionally receiving a text from a family member wanting to know what potions I've created.

Stepping out of the shower I got a cold breeze and I gained goosebumps across my body. Smothering myself with a warm towel I went back to my room to change.

Following this, I made breakfast writing down what needed to be finished before the day was over

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Following this, I made breakfast writing down what needed to be finished before the day was over. Lastly, after washing my bowl and spoon, I did up my hair and makeup. A normal day as always. It was a little chilly outside and the brisk air made me grip onto my coat. I lived relatively close to the Witches Wisdom building so I walked every day to make sure I'd get some form of exercise other than doing my yoga classes every Saturday. It started to spit but I managed to jog into the building before the storm came through. 

"Good morning miss (Y/N)." one of the receptionists called out like every morning. I nodded and smiled as always and went up the elevator to the top floor. Yet again like every other day. But what was interesting is the number of boxes by my large desk. The elevator dinged and the CEO walked in. Rushing over to put my things down. 

"Ah good you're here (Y/N) I was beginning to think you got lost in the storm." He said and I glanced back outside to see it had picked out outside. 

"No storm could stop me from getting here sir." Liking the response he chuckled slightly.

"Good to see you perky as ever. Well, I had to cancel some of the meetings set up today because some people unlike yourself can't travel here in such weather." He let out a sigh pinching the bridge of his nose. "It looks like today is just going to be catch up for me." He saw me glance at the boxes by my desk. 

"Ah right, those are from the archives. I'll need you to sort through them, I'm guessing that some of that is very old. We haven't sort through any of that even before we bought this building." My eyebrow raised wondering why not clean out everything the moment you bought the place. "Make sure to rearrange all the meetings before you get started on that." Nodding my head he went on into his office in the next room.

Spending the next three hours talking to numerous people needing to attend the meetings I had to make sure everyone was free. This is the most hassling thing about this job when a meeting is cancelled. After lunch, I picked up the first box reluctantly. Why couldn't he get one of the mail boys' to arrange this? I asked myself taking off the lid before coughing. The dust got into my nose and I let out a quiet sneeze before going through the box. Mostly old files which didn't mean anything followed by photos and dead bugs. Nothing in that one. Kicking the box to slide it out of the way I went on. Some of the files I found were interesting since this building was a newspaper company world-changing advents were in some of the folders. Taking some for myself and to see if the CEO wanted a second look I went on for another hour before making it to the last box. It was heavier than the rest, taking off the lid I saw some odd stuff. A chest with golden trimming. 

Lifting out of the box there was nothing else

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Lifting out of the box there was nothing else. The lock looked slightly rusted so taking two paper clips I spent around ten minutes working on the lock. If you're wondering why I can pick a lock last week I'd managed to forget my key's at the office and It was late at night. Youtube is great. My phone started to ring, the sound of the avenger's theme song rang out into the room. Answering it was Jaz. 

"Did you see my text! The new Spiderman movie came out." Emma cheered and I lightly rolled my eyes wondering why she'd call when I always tell her not to call when I'm at work.

"I watched the link you sent looks good." I murmured settling the lock onto my lap but the chest wouldn't open. "Look I need to go, remember what I said about calling me at work." Sighing this out I heard her pout over the phone.

"But it's Tom Holland." Laughing I hung up putting my attention back to the chest. Biting my inner cheek I turned the chest to see if another lock was on the back... Nothing. Why won't it open? Spending another few minutes trying to pry it open with a ruler and scissors it wouldn't budge. But when gazing on the bottom it had something stuck to it. Maybe from the person who owned it. 

"Mobius?" I whispered out to myself when just able to read out what the tattered paper said. Then a click of the chest popped in my ears. What? It opened showing a few things. First, some coins of an origin I wasn't aware of, a bracelet what seemed to be hairclips and a large book that took up most of the space. When going to touch the bracelet it glowed giving me a semi-heart attack. But before I could move away it latched itself onto my right wrist. Shaking my hand it didn't move. What the actual fuck? Not wanting to make too much noise in case the CEO heard me from the other room I let out a sigh saying the word Mobius again to see if the bracelet would come off if I spoke again but nothing. What else on the tattered paper was not English. 

"borgar-hlið?" That's not English, shit what language is that? When grabbing the chest again I hopped closing it would make the bracelet unclick any hope would do so clicking it shut with the lock nothing happened. 

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