Levi's First Flight

Start from the beginning

            With a new found determination Levi quickly stood up. His heart was still beating hard and his adrenaline was starting to kick in. He did the same thing as last time and beat his wings hard. His goal this time was to stay in the air longer. As soon as his feet left the ground he fell again. Frowning, Levi got up again. I’m not stopping now. I will learn how to do this. Thus, he tried again. Fail. Levi gritted his teeth. Not giving up, this time he took a head start by running. It helped. He actually glided for a while before his feet touched the ground. Levi flapped a little harder. Up! I want to go up! He willed himself. His hair was waving, his heart was pounding fast, his wings beating hard. He took off.

            “I did it!” Levi said in shock. He was now several feet in the air and still climbing skyward. He was shaky but soon started to balance himself. He turned in the air, his wings fluttering and his hair moved with the breeze. Now that he was up here, he wanted to try maneuvering in different ways. The first thing he decided he was going to do was try to flip. First he flew straight up, he was now higher than the trees. He angled himself and curved his body. Levi then felt himself rotate. It took him a moment to gather that he did indeed just flip in the air. He felt pride in his abilities.

            After several hours of flying in the air, Levi had mastered several tricks in the air including diving, flips and sharp turns. His wings were burning by now but Levi ignored the pain. It wasn’t the worst he ever had but he did have to admit he was kind of tired. One more trick then. Levi settled on a combo trick. He soared into the air just above one of the trees in the yard. He did a flip but as soon he was upside down he was hit by a gust of wind. It threw him off balance and too soon he was falling straight to the ground. Levi tried to brace himself by slowing down. He expanded his wings to catch the wind. Snap! Levi’s right wing hit a small branch and it broke. He retracted his wings close to him. Apparently the gust of wind had also moved him close to the tree. Too fast the branches were coming at him. Time to dodge.

            Levi flinched as he was hit by another branch. In an attempt to stop himself, or at least slow down, he tried grabbing onto a branch. His hands slipped off of two branches. Levi started to panic, the ground was getting closer but also there were fewer branches. He took the opportunity to spread his wings more. Too fast! I’m too fast! Levi realized to his horror that if he was to hit the ground, it would most likely not end well. He urgently started to flap his wings hard. I’m not dying today! He angled his body and closed his eyes tight, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to have the ground as his last memory.

            Levi hit hard with a splash! He felt like he was floating. So this is what it’s like to be dead. Well at least I’m not in pain. Levi grunted, it was getting hard to breathe. Since when do dead people need to breathe? Levi opened his eyes. He was not dead, he was very much alive. He was just under water. What a relief it was. He quickly swam to the surface, it was hard because he wings were dragging behind him. As soon as he surfaced, he made his way to land. Levi crawled onto the shore and with a gasp, he coughed up some water. He looked back at the water, he brows furrowed. Since when did I learn how to swim? Levi shrugged. Maybe it’s instinct. At least I’m still alive.

            Taking off his soaked boots and setting them to the side, Levi laid on the ground, and rest his head in the luscious grass. He looked at the sky which was starting to turn a different shade of yellow, orange, and red hues. Levi was tired and exhausted. Today had been a long, yet successful day. Levi laid so his wings were wide open. Flinching, Levi could tell that his right wing was starting to bruise. He absorbed the sun light to dry his wings and then. Levi sighed and closed his eyes.

Levi's Wings of Freedom (LevixEren) Shingeki no KyojinWhere stories live. Discover now