Chapter 3

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Maestro and Leaf walk on the road where they see Ash arguing with his Pikachu. The two slightly laugh because it was sort of funny.

Maestro: So the dynamic duo didn't start out as friends. I should've guessed.

Ash: What are you two doing here?

Leaf: We were just walking and saw you. Why are you and your pokemon arguing?

Ash: You see that Spearow over there?

The two look in the direction Ash is pointing

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The two look in the direction Ash is pointing.

Ash: I want to catch it but Pikachu won't listen!

Leaf: Well the professor did say that Pikachu was unique.

Ash: Well, I guess if Pikachu won't help me, I'll use this rock!

Maestro: Wait! That's a bad idea!

Ash throws the rock at the Spearow which didn't make it very happy. Before the group knew it, a flock of Spearows flew Ash's way.

Ash: Where did they come from?

Leaf: You shouldn't have done that, Ash!

Pikachu gets injured and they swoop in to finish the job. Ash though protects Pikachu and takes the hit.

Maestro: That's got to hurt!

Leaf: We have to get to a pokemon center!

Ash grabs Pikachu and Maestro and Leaf follow. On the way, Ash "borrows" a bike from a girl who isn't very happy with the act.

 On the way, Ash "borrows" a bike from a girl who isn't very happy with the act

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Girl: Hey! That's my bike! Give it back!

Ash: I'll give it back someday. I promise!

Girl: Hey! Come back here!

Leaf: He's riding quickly. We'll never catch up.

Maestro thinks about what to do. He has an idea. He pulls out a flute from his bag.

Leaf: What is that?

Maestro: It's called an Eon Flute

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Maestro: It's called an Eon Flute.

Girl: What is a flute going to do to help us catch up to him?

Maestro: I don't know. But I'm hoping this idea works. (Thoughts) If this works, then anything will work.

Maestro plays the flute. For a few seconds nothing happens. Then out of nowhere, his Latias appears. She is super happy to see Maestro.

 She is super happy to see Maestro

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Maestro: Hey, girl!

Latias covers Maestro in kisses.

Maestro: I missed you too, girl.

Leaf and the girl and shocked to see what's happening.

Leaf: What type of pokemon is that?

Maestro: Her name is Latias. She's an old friend of mine. I can't believe the flute worked. Latias, do you mind giving us a ride?

Latias looks at the girls. The girls wave and smile but Latias looks away in disgust.

Leaf: What's wrong?

Girl: What did we do?

Maestro: Well, Latias doesn't like anyone else riding her. She also hates girls.

Girl: So your Pokemon is basically useless?

Latias hears this and prepares to attack the girl. Maestro steps in front.

Maestro: Easy, girl. Come on. Just this once?

Latias looks away. Maestro knew exactly how to handle the problem and smiles.

Leaf: What's that smile for?

Maestro: Okay, Latias. You don't have to give us a ride. I knew you weren't strong enough to carry all of us.

Latias looks shocked and walks over to Maestro.

Maestro: What?

Latias licks Maestro's face.

Maestro: Are you saying you could carry all of us?

Latias licks Maestro's face.

Maestro: Okay! If you say so!

The three get on Latias and prepare to take off.

Maestro: Okay, we have to make it the Pokemon Center. Can you take us there?

Latias growls with glee.

Maestro: Let's go, girl!

Latias flies the three to the Pokemon center just as Ash arrives. The three climb off.

Maestro: Thanks, girl. Let's go on a date later okay?

Leaf/Girl: Date?

Leaf: You can't go on a date with a Pokemon!

Maestro: It's possible. Don't worry!

The Spearows and still attacking Ash and Pikachu.

Ash: What do we do?

Maestro: Flying is weak against Electric.

Maestro looks and sees that Pikachu needs his help. Without thinking, he throws a Pokeball.

Maestro: Manetric, I choose you!

Manectric appears and is ready to battle.

Maestro: You ready, boy?

Manectric growls with anticipation.

Maestro: Let's end this in one turn! Go Z-Move!

Maestro does motions with his hands which activates the Z Move!


In one mighty move, Manectric is able to defeat all of the Spearow. Everyone stares just shocked.

Maestro: Come on! Let's get Pikachu inside.

The three enter the Pokemon center and get help for Pikachu. The rest of the gang just stare at Maestro and wonder what he just did.

Leaf: What was that? How did you do that?

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