4.) Cat and Mouse

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What a FUCKING idiot! How the hell am I meant to face her now?

After running out of the shower completely naked and exposed, I got dressed into whatever clothes I find lying around and hot tail it out of there, before Lily, I mean Li, gets out of the shower. The last thing I want is to have to face her right now.

I run into Brian's room without knocking, making sure I'm not being followed I close and lock the door behind me.

"What a pleasant surprise....you're early for once!," Brian quipped as I went to sit beside him on the couch.

"Oh be serious. I'm not always late, my dear. Beauty takes time," My smile grows by the inch as I jokingly pull my cheeks upward like the Cheshire Cat.

"If you say so," he shrugs smugly.
"By the way, how did things go with Li?," He asks as he bends down to collect his white clog that was under the couch.

"Li?? Who said anything about Li, darling I really cannot be bothered with those Americans," I roll my eyes at him and let out a sarcastic chuckle.

Brian eyes me suspiciously as he stands to his feet, towering above me.

"Oh, was she not just in your room then?," his smirk is my pet peeve. A smirking Brian is a menace, I tell you.

"Oh, I don't know dear. Maybe she was , maybe she wasn't. I was in the shower the entire time," I reply while digging the tiny particles of dirt from underneath my fingernail.

"Oy, loverboys! Let's roll!," A knock on the door releases me from further Bri interrogation. For once I'm grateful for the ever interrupting Roger.


I've never been more grateful to be in a tiny dressing room before. At least it's one of our own. These days we don't have to do the setting up of our instruments or stage equipment, which thank god, because all the bickering back and forth between us was always a strain before gigs.

"Does anyone have an order for me? I'm headed to grab a bite to eat," I nearly forgot about the kiss with Paul earlier. All that's been on my mind is avoiding Lily-Li. I complete blanked on the fact that things with Paul might get a bit awkward.

He comes to sit beside me on the couch after having asked the rest of the lads for their requests.

"And you, honey?," his eyes sparkle up at me and the left side of his mouth twitches into a little smirk. I feel my insides flutter at the look on his precious face.

"Um I...you know what I'm not hungry. Thank you, darling," I wink at him and get up from the couch, heading out the door.

Can a man catch a break before a big performance? Geez!

"And just where do you think you're going?," The fairy like voice that sounds from behind me, makes my already butterfly fluttering stomach jumble with anxiousness.

"Away from you, of course," I say as convincingly annoyed as possible. I turn to see her smile practically fall to the cement floor between us.

"Well, you're a regular roller coaster ride, aren't you?," her face turns into a cold glare and she crosses her arms over her full bosoms.

"Oh darling, care for a ride?," i feel the smirk spread across my lips as I watch her eyes bulged out of her head.

"You see what I mean? Can't we just be friends without you turning hot and cold all of a sudden?," her toe taps against the floor with impatience. She's seen nothing yet, I'll tell you.

"We've discusses my mood swings already, haven't we, dear? " I theatrically toss my head back and cackle. "You're the one trying to hit on me, anyway..," I shrug.

"I make no apologies for the fact that your balls are not big enough to handle my personality," To my surprise she spits the words out like a slew of venom and starts to walk away towards her dressing room.

"Oh, yeah!?," I call after her, but she keeps walking. The way her curvy hips sway from side to side, fill me with excitement. "I can make a bigger bang than that, my dear!,"


Smugly strolling off the stage, I spot Li warming up before her band follows us. She looks petty worried to tell you the truth. I mean I would be too if I had to follow us. That's why I purposely volunteered us to go first tonight.

"Good luck my dear, you're gonna need it!," Ali's only response is an eye roll as she picks up the wireless microphone and goes to stand with her band who are about to take the stage.

I was going to head back to my dressing room to change into my regular clothes, but I remembered that Paul would be there. I'm not quiet ready to face that situation again. So, I stood behind stage and waited for the crowd to stop cheering and for Foreman to start their set.

I watched in amazement at the way Li held the same kind of power over a crowd as I do. She pranced around the stage shaking her cute little behind and teasingly oozing seduction. I couldn't help it, I cracked a smile at her confident strides. Her voice is goes from warm honey to raging lunatic , but skillfully so.

"Hey, Fred! Let's go. We're going to the nightclub," Roger came up beside me and put his arm on my shoulder. His eyes followed where mine were glued to Li, who was currently laying back on the crowd, secured by the hands of people who moved like waves of the sea.

"Nice view," Roger scoffed and walked away back in the direction he came.

As Ali's feet touch back to the stage, he eye catches me staring at her. She blows me a kiss before she starts singing again.

Embarrassed that I'd been caught watching her set, I turn and follow Roger to the dressing room to collect my things.

I'm sorry for the short chapter!
I know I've been slacking with my other stories and I'll try better from now on!!!


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