7.) An Invitation You Cant Decline

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Steven walks into the room, with a big basket full of goodies, wrapped up in a clear seal, with a big red bow to tie the top. He throws it in my lap as I sit on the couch of the tour bus. He takes a seat next to me and gestures for my to open it with a smile. It feels really weird that he would be acting this nicely towards me. The card on the inside is a small handwritten two sentences that say : Get over him. He's gay.

I scoff and drop the basket to the floor beneath my feet. "Fuck off, Steven!," I push him away from me with my shoulder and leave the middle cushion to separate us.

"So, how was he?," Steven, the damn nosey bird, just has to bring up the very last person I want to speak about right now.

"What are you even talking about?," I roll my eyes and turn to face him, so that now my feet are also separating us on the couch.

"Don't be stupid. That fag you keep trying to fuck. Did it work?," Every time Steven talks about Freddie he always has to call him some type of slur. Even though, we're not on talking terms, it still pisses me off!

"I'm not talking to you if you're just going to be an asshole. Goodnight!," I wave my hand towards the bunks, like a mother ordering her child to bed.

"No, no. Wait. I'm sorry. I was just curious, that's all," Stevens hazel eyes peer up at me seemingly innocent as can be.

"We were drunk. We had a fight. That's all that happened," My response and clear annoyance makes Steven smirk. I hate when he smirks at me.

"Well, I'm always here for you , ya know. If you need a real man to get the job d-"

I don't wait for him to finish. I grab my blanket and throw it over my head so that it engulfs my whole body. I'd rather be uncomfortable than have to hear Stevens consistently trying and failing to get in my pants.

"Stop being a fucking prick! I hate you!," I sound like a whining child, but give me a break. It's been a hell of a start to the tour. I'm tired!

"Okay, okay. ," he chuckles and pull the blanket off of my face.

I fix my hair back from the frizz mess that the blanket caused, and reach over to lift up the stupid basket. Sifting through the sweets, I grab a chocolate covered marshmallow on a stick and unwrap it.

"What!," I hiss at Steven whose watching me with a locked jaw and hungry eyes.

"You can't really expect to eat that like that, in front of me," he responds.

Stupidly, I open my mouth to offer him some candy. "Do you want some?,"

Steven lunges at me, and in surprise I fall backward into the cushions as my head hits the armrest of the couch. My lips scrunch in protest to his unwelcome kisses. "STEVEN, get off!," I grunt as I finally break free and slap at his shoulders as he sits beside me.

Ringing his hand through his hair, he looks at me confused. "I thought we were in the same page here..," he tilts his head.

"Well, you thought wrong!," I call back to him as I leave and go into the one place where there's some privacy in this bus full of boys, the bathroom.



"What the fuck do you mean we're out of fuel!?,"

The oversized bus driver wobbles out of the tour bus with the rest of us following his lead.

We're stuck in the middle of nowhere in Hicksville USA. I hear the dirt road crumble with tires hitting the tiny rocks, as the other bands tour bus pulls up behind us.

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