1.) I Know What Boys Like

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I wanted to write a story about a young Freddie. I kind of disappointed myself by not doing so in my other stories, so here we are.

I'm trying to get things correctly down for the time period, but of course this is all fiction and I may tweak things here and there.

For example, the tour that this takes place, is the first time they played in America opening for Mott The Hoople. But in this story they're sharing the headline with an up and coming American band in the hopes that this bands fans will also grow to like Queen and in turn boost American audiences, sales, etc.

Also, a heads up, it starts out with Freddie and Mary already calling it quits, which I know is not accurate, BUT anyways. Freddie has already started his promiscuous lifestyle and he has only been sleeping with men. He's trying out his new found realizations about his sexuality, but at times is still very confused and frustrated.

Okay, I think that's all for now.
Hope you like it!
I may delete this if I can't get past chapter 3, btw. Just had a concept and thought I'd run with it and see where it goes.


London, England-  1974

Another party's over and I find myself alone once again- after having had the saint fucked out of me. I dismissed the man of the night with a simple flick of the wrist and a thanks for the nightly orgasm that had us belting out like the opera.

After I quickly rinse off in the shower, I swipe my hand against the surface of the oval shaped bathroom mirror to remove the steam. Staring at my reflection with half closed eye lids, I always manage to feel disgusted with myself after having meaningless sex. Man or woman- it never failed, I felt guilty. No matter which way I bend, neither side feels right.

"Pft, fuck off and die, you fag," I scoff at myself, before shutting out the light and exiting the bathroom.

It's a new day and today we get to go over the works of our touring schedule and set lists. I glance at the clock on the bedside table to see that I'm already running a bit behind schedule. Quickly dressing into a pair of white satin slacks, a black tank top and my white clogs. I fling my fur coat over my shoulders and snatch my wrap around silver snake bracelet for my wrist. The more ridiculously hi-fashioned looks distract people away from the way my teeth protrude forward.

Throwing on a pair of aviator style sunglasses, I fluff the crown of my hair with my finger tips before giving my long dark hair a good shake.

"Never thought you'd come out, by this point," Roger, my friend and bandmate, says good morning.

"You are always expecting all of us to be perfect," I sashay past him, giving him a little wink.

"We've been waiting ages, let's get on with it," Brian stretches his long, lanky legs from his perching spot on the couches arm and stands to his feet. Deacon quietly shuffles behind him as they walk towards the front door of our shared flat.


We were informed by our manager that we are going to be performing alongside some American band for a double headlining tour. I, for one, cannot push past my outrage. I've never even heard of the group for crying out loud. This was meant to be our first American tour and now we've to share the spotlight with some complete strangers. Who's to say if they're even any good!

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