2.) Messenger From Seven Seas

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I wake up alone in bed, to the sound of Roger barging into my bedroom.

"Ever heard of knocking?," I groggily say as I sit up in the bed and shake my hair from my face.

"Time to awaken my sleeping beauty," he jumps onto my bed , causing it to bounce at his weight. I'm still pretty ticked off at him shooting away my easy lay last night. Apparently, Stephanie had had enough of Roger calling her by different names and became rather violent in response to the alcohol consumption. Roger dragged me out of the bar with him as he ran away from the angry woman who pelted her high heels towards our heads. Luckily, I was able to get Paul's phone number beforehand, but I'm not sure if I'll call him. He mentioned going out of town tomorrow, so there's that.

After Rogers rude wake up call, I gather my luggage and pull it behind me and into the living room with the rest of the band. Veronica and Christie, that's Brian's girl, are still here from last night.

"We best get going, Reid said he has to introduce us to our tour manager. He has to stay in London to help assist Elton," I roll my eyes as the other simply pack up their belongings and head out the door.

Don't get me wrong, Elton's a good friend and I'm glad to have met him through our manager, John Reid, but Reid has a way of heating me up with his condescending mannerism.

We all pile into two cabs that John rang up to meet us in front of our flat. After a short ride to Heathrow airport, we get out and walk inside to wait for our tickets that Reid simply had to hold onto.

"Morning, boys!," Well, he's quite chipper this morning. My annoyed state quickly turned around, when I see the man standing next to him.

"I'd like you all to meet, Paul Prenter. He is my best understudy and will surely take good care of you while in America," the guys all shake Paul's hand politely.

I, however, embrace him in a hug, careful to linger for a moment or two. This causes Reid to give me a weird glance. He knows how I like them.

"Do you two know each other, then?," he asks, with a look of caution in his eyes.

"We've met.," I simply say with a limp wrist wave.

Boarding the plane was a pain in the ass. Although, airport security is not much of a big hassle, I hate the way they just want you to trust them with your things when I know for a fact luggage is tossed about without a care as to what may be inside. I used to work here, after all. Thank god that's over.

I take my desired window seat and am pleasantly surprised that Paul has seated himself next to me.

"So," he starts with a cute smirk on his lips. "Looks like I'll be seeing you after all," his giggle sends a tingling sensation down my spine and I can't help but grin at him. Of course, I have the damned habit of forcing my hand over my mouth when I smile, especially in the light of potential lovers.

"Mmm, I guess so," I reply with my best attempt at a husky suggestive voice.


Like sleeping on the airplane ride wasn't torturous enough, we've come straight to settle into the tour bus and while I'm trying to nap, the boys found it was time for day drinking.

Slapping the palm of my hand onto the mattress of my bunk in frustration, I swing my legs onto the floor and crouch out. I peel the thin blue curtain to the side and walk down the narrow corridor to the front of the bus, also know as the kitchen...and the living room. It wasn't the fanciest of tour buses, but we've been in worse.

I take a seat on the edge of the bench seat by the kitchen table and pour myself a drink. They've started to make bets on a poker game, so I got up and instead, sat myself on the couch with them.

Rock of ages जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें