3.) Dazed and Confused

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We've set up in L.A. for the sound check before tonight's tour opening concert. I have to say, for being supposedly little well known in the states, the fans lining up outside of the arena say differently.

Obviously, they could be here for the Americans, but I spotted a few Queen signs out in the crowd. They know who were are, and good on them!

"Earth to Fred....," Paul waves his hand in front of my face. I shake my head from my thoughts, making my midnight black hair cover one eye.

I smile up at him from my seat on the piano bench, and slowly pull away  the uncooperative pieces of hair from my eye.

"Oh, didn't see you there, darling!," Paul smirks at me, the mustache on top of his lip tilts slightly upward. I like that.

"Well, it seems since you guys are done for the time being, the crew needs to help set up for Foreman's soundcheck," He must be able to read the annoyance on my face.

We've only been practicing for about an hour. That's not enough time to prepare. Just as I was about to protest, I see the rest of my band walk off stage, with whatever equipment they could carry. They're replaced by the 3 stooges and Lily. Just perfect!

Paul stands beside me crossing his arms, his stance a sure confirmation that he's at least on my side.

"Care for some lunch, Paul? My treat," I don't wait for a reply I grab him by the hand and drag him off the stage with me.


After a nice flirtatious lunch, Paul walked me to my hotel room. Since, we are here for two shows two separate nights, we've each got our own rooms for the little stay.

"I think, I'm going to catch a nap, or else I'd invite you in," I turn towards Paul while leaning on the door of my room.

He smirks down at me, he's only a little bit taller than I am, but I prefer it that way. The two of us haven't really had any time alone besides the quick lunch date just now.

"I understand. Don't worry about it, love," his hand graces my cheek in a gentle caress. I didn't expect him to be so bold and I don't know how to react. Usually, I'd just have my way with a fellow, but being as Paul is sticking around all summer I don't know how I feel about getting into things with him on that level.

Only a couple seconds pass, but my mind is whirling away with the possibilities of skipping sleep for a well needed shag.

Paul's eyes scan mine and I think he's contemplating the same. His head starts to inch downward and I know what coming next, but I haven't the will to stop him.

His lips ever so softly press against mine. I kiss him back as he pushes me against the door. His mustache tickles my nose, bringing me back to reality. Putting my hand up to his chest, I press him backwards a step until our lips part with a loud smack sound.

"Paul, we really shouldn't...," my words come out sounding more like I'm questioning myself than actually a firm no.

His breathing is heavy, I can tell because he's still awfully close to my face. He looks deeply into my eyes, before he finally takes a good step back, placing enough space for the both of us to feel suddenly awkward.

"I'm sorry, Freddie I thought-"

"No no. It's fine, really! I liked it! I just...it's just going to take a bit of figuring out. You know, since now were meant to be working together professionally..," I cut him off to give a proper explanation. I really don't want to shoo him away.

His worried expression fades into one that's more confused. Either way, he nods his head at me and lets out a nervous cough before saying his goodbye.

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