Special Episode: 8

Start from the beginning

"The music starts . . . Now!" Kai'Sa announced and the TV screen was now filled with colorful pixelated music bars that moved up and down with the flow of the music and a dark background.

The familiar beat started to play from the speakers placed on both sides of the TV and the colorful music bars started to move. At first only a few moved slowly. But, when the drum joined, all started to move up and down.

I looked around nervously for the last time and breathed heavily while closing my eyes shut. I pulled out the bad memories of my past and started to picture them in my mind when the guitar joined. 

Hearing laughters from behind my back at the class in high school, commenting about my bony features, me being stuck in a math academy, forced to shove useless math equations into my brain that were only useful at taking tests, and being pushed from behind in the middle of the school hallway, dropping the things that I was holding onto the ground while I fell on top of them.

The sensation of hopelessness and grief filled me as I opened my eyes.

The TV screen indicated that there were only 3 seconds left before the lyrics came up.

Then, I opened my mouth and began singing when the lyrics appeared.

I remember black skies

The lightning all around me

I waited for the next lyrics to appear.

I remember each flash

As time began to blur

I waited for a moment.

Like a startling sign

That fate had finally found me

My mind started to go with the flow of the music.

And your voice was all I heard

That I get what I deserve

Then, I felt all the hopelessness and grief starting to explode out of my throat and becoming one with my voice when I screamed out the next lyrics.

So give me reason

To prove me wrong

To wash this memory clean

Let the floods cross

The distance in your eyes

I did it again.

Give me reason

To fill this hole

Connect this space between

Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies

Across this new divide

I kept on singing while pouring the emotions of my sufferings through the lyrics. I felt pain while singing, but also happiness.

I believed that singing was a way of telling a story, sending a message to the audience, the people who were listening. Before now, no one was there to listen to my story when I sang inside an empty karaoke room, no one to receive the message of my feelings.

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