Episode 6

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Weiss and Yang sit down on a bed, Yang's head in her hands, and Weiss's hands in her lap.

"I can't believe he took her right before my eyes.." Weiss says with sorrow.

"So I have to fight this lunatic again?!" Yang shouts

Weiss thinks for a bit, and comes up with a response.


Yang looks as her like she is crazy. "Then who will?!"

"Me. Who else?" Weiss says.

"No offense Weiss, but you have the power to lose every 1v1 Battle you have ever have. " Yang insults her.

"Excuse me?! Look i will call for backup if I need it. He took Blake before my eyes, now it's my turn."

Yang gives her a slight smile, and a nod.

Ruby and Oscar walk in laughing their hairs off.

"Ahaha! Oh hey Yang." Ruby says with joy.

"Hey Rubes.."

There becomes a sudden silence and then Oscar Blakes the silence.

"Hey where is Blake?"

"Crazy red head named Adam swept Weiss' feet and took her away.."

"What?!" Ruby says in shock.


Weiss and Yang walk down the forest path, Weiss silent and forlorn.

"I'm sorry Yang.. " Weiss says once again.

"It wasn't your fault.


Cinder and neo sit in the campsite getting ready for the event going to happen in 4 days.

"Neo, you didn't forget right? "Cinder asks her.

Neo nods and snaps her fingers.

"Good. I can't wait for the day.. "


"Alright.. So what do we do about this? " Qrow asks Ruby.

"Yang and Weiss went to go and rescue her. If they need backup, I told them to contact me and I will bring uh- hehe you... "

Qrow gives Ruby 'the look'.

"Welp, I guess im stuck in this too. "

"Sorry uncle. "


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