Pink guy x reader

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Tomorrow is geo final and im in the verge of shattering my own skull

anyways I got this hella funky song so 

we WritInG a cRACkFiCs ArOunD 3 aM

anyways this could be offensive idk, my chapters have been getting less and less offensive as I go

dont take this serious luvs xx

I wake up to my usual alarm and smash that mf to pieces and get ready, I take a fat piss and brush my teeth, wearing my clothes as I do so, after that, I walk to my kitchen counter and pick up my keys and but on some EXPENSIVE YEEZYS, you heard me you broke ass bitches, IM RICH AS FUCK, I CAN PAY CRAIG'S FUCKING REN- I leave my flat and walk to uni and great everyone there except Micheal Jackson, my bully since fucking day one, the moment my mom shit me out of her stretched ass pussy, Micheal was there, just laughing his ass off at me with that mean "HEE HEE" anyways lets not go on topic... "yo (Y/N), how's life being broke?" Micheal jackass asks, he flashes his gold ass teeth and blind me with them, I pull out my cool ass shades I nicked off of Keanu Reeves and wear them "please leave me alone and stop smiling, you got me here acting like Stevie wonder" I reply grimly, Micheal scoffs and just walks away, that fucker's up to someshit but I ignore that feeling like the dumbass character I am and walk away to my class.

*ah shit, here we go again...another fucking timeskip*

The bell rings and I get my crusty shit together and throw the blunt in a random corner, I walk down to leave to the fountain because uh its nice and calming to study with, I won't bother making up some sad story for the fountain. I sit there and put on my AirPods and play Rex Orange county because im depressed like some crackhead mom's kid named Bosba, I pull out my books and start reading it peacefully...until some clown in a pink skintight suit screaming something, he gets closer to me so I decided to remove my AirPods, "have you seen Alien?" he asks in a high raspy voice, idk man its hard to describ-

I have no Inspiration to continue this, maybe ill come back to this gem and continue soon

anyways I failed geo  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2019 ⏰

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