Chapter 8

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I look down at the last place on the list only to see that it's the palace. Great! Note the sarcasm! It says we will have a different tour guide. Probably someone who works there.
"What's next, Mari?" Adrian asks me using a nickname. How hot is that! Focus Marinette!
"The palace." I respond.
"Cool." Nino states. I turn towards Ashton and he gives me a 'it's going to be okay' look. We pull out of the parking spot and follow the bus eventhough Ashton knows where it is.

We pull into the palace gates and park across from the bus. We get out and meet up with the class.
"Maribrat, you better not embarrass us in front of the Prince! He's going to be mine and if you mess it up for me, then I will mess you up!" Chloe growls.
"Chloe, the Prince would jump off a bridge before he would even consider dating you!" I proclaim.
"You can't talk to me like that!" Chloe states grabbing the collar of my dress.
"You lay another hand on her and you won't live to see tomorrow!" Ashton exclaims pushing her off of me. He scares me! Remind me not to ever get on his bad side. Chloe runs off to Sabrina upset.

We head to the front gates and my brother is waiting for us there with someone I haven't met yet.
"Hello, everyone! I'm Prince Mathew and this is Sir Richard. He with be giving you a tour of the palace." Mathew states.
"Hello!" We answer.
"Before the tour starts if you guys have any questions I would be happy to answer them!" Mathew informs us.
Chloe raises her hand first. Oh, no. She's going to embarrass herself.
"Yes, Ma'ma."
"Are you single? If so I could show you a good time." She asks sending my brother a wink. Someone kill me now! She's flirting with MY BROTHER!
"Never happening, sweetheart!" He responds. I knew there was a reason that you were my favorite sibling. Then again, your my only sibling but your still my favorite!
"Burn!" Everyone yells. Children. Their all children. Rose then raises her hand.
"How old are you?" She asks.
"I'm fourteen." He responds.
"Chloe, just flirted and got burned by a middle schooler. No offence, Prince Mathew!" Kim calls out.
"None taken. Next question. Yes?"
"Are you home schooled?" Adrian asks.
"I go to a private school. Next."
"What's your sister like?" Nino asks.
"NINO!" Alya yells hitting him over the head.
"It's fine. Honestly, she's annoying but she always puts others before herself." Baby brother, I love you but your dead tonight!
"Aaaaaaa" Someone inside screams.
"What the HELL?" Mathew blurts out. Why to be an example, brother.
"Prince Mathew, don't speak with such language!" Richard says. Shut up, Richard. I'm th only one besides our parents that gets to yell at him!
Mathew rolls his eyes and runs inside. We follow behind him.

We reach the staircase and see one of the maid's daughters on the floor at the bottom of the stairs. She must have fallen down the stairs. Mathew runs up to her and we keep our distance.
"Scarlett, are you alright?" He asks worriedly. She sits up and says
"I think so, Prince Mathew." Then she tries to stand but falls. She holds her right foot.
"I think you sprang it." Mathew says
"No, I'm fine. You have guests to take care of. So, stop worrying about me!"
"Your not fine. You can't even stand! I'm taking you to the palace Infirmary." He picks her up bridal style. I know what your thinking. 'He is fourteen how can he pick her up?' He works out and the girl is probably only like thirteen.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't of snapped. I was out of line." She apologized.
We're just weirdly watching all of this.
He looks in her eyes and says "It's fine." He then turns to us and says "Richard, you're taking over from here."
"Of course, sir." I think my brother loves that girl. I can see it in both of their eyes. I'm glad.

Did you enjoy the Chapter? By the way it's 4:36 am and I should be sleeping but I saw a spider. Sleep is not happening now. So, I decided to write this. Do you like Mathew having a love interest? Comment down below because I WILL Respond if you do!!!!

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