En başından başla

"Ciao mamma, what are you cooking?" Luca asked coming around and side hugging me. I hugged his 6'3 frame and gestured towards the pasta. Him and his fathers favorite. He stopped immediately glancing around checking and seeing his friends in the living room occupied by the tv and my food.
(Translation> hey mom)

"Mom.. did I forget someone's birthday? Oh fuck, is it dads birthday?" He asked running his hand through his dark brown waves. I chuckled at the resemblance between the men in my life. "No honey, the neighbors are coming." I reminded as I told him this last night while he was training with his father.

I walked to the gym downstairs last night and reminded them both, to which I received a groan from Ethan, and a grunt from his younger clone.

Luca tilted his head back letting out an animalistic groan. "Mom, my giver of birth do not do this to me." He said and looked at me, pleading to tell him I was kidding. I smiled warmly and reached up to brush his hair out of his pretty eyes. "Sorry sweetie, dress nice please." I said leaving him there to hang his head and mumble to himself about 'moving' please, he's a mammas boy.

I headed down the hallway until I stopped at the mini four foot door painted as a sunset, with the words 'Cat's Corner' on it. Caterina always loved art and this secret room is her music space, art space, and hiding spot.

I knocked exactly three times waiting for the answer behind the small door. Everyone in the family has their own special knock. Mine happens to be three, everyone except Grayson, he's her favorite. He Just gets let right in.

The door opened revealing Cat who smiled and let me into her room. I sat down in the corner on a yellow been bag and admired the new artwork on the wall that she had already created in maybe a day.

"Baby these are beautiful." I said running my hand on one paper in particular that was pinned to the wall. Three towers in a city full of cars but two gorgeous sun flowers in the middle of them. The only greenery in the whole painting.

"Daddy, Luca, Sal." Cat said pointing to each of the towers. "You and me." She said pointing to the flowers. I smiled looking at her and nodded understanding. The towers were protecting the flowers, and the flowers were keeping the towers lively and colorful.

Caterina is a girl of very few words, her artwork is her voice. And oh is that voice a beautiful one.

"Okay baby, well dinner is gonna he ready soon and the neighbors will arrive, think you can get dressed nice for me?" I asked knowing very well what cats style was like. Comfy and cute. That girl had no one to impress and she knew it. She nodded all smiley and crawled out of the fairly lit cave.

Caterina is very special in her own way. She paints what she wants, listens to music no one her age does, and wears what she likes.

I crawled out after her and just and I closed the door, still on my knees, I was met by a pair of legs clad in black dress pants.

Oh who could it be?

I some what sat up so my butt was on my calves and looked up into the beautiful Italians eyes.

"Well isn't this just a beautiful sight?" He asked as I looked away from him and trailed my eyes all the way down to his clothed cock, that was almost starring me right in the face.

Greaser ☾Ethan Dolan Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin