Twenty Three ☾

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"Take her home and keep her safe. Don't make any stops. Right home, and lock the doors." Ethan said calmly to my brothers who were enjoying their time flirting with the ladies.

Nicks flirtatious smirk instantly changed to a look of worry. He looked at me silently asking 'are you okay' and I gave him a reassuring smile and nod.

"What's going on boss?" Max asked with worry laced through every word that he said. Ethan shook his head telling them that it didn't matter.

"Go get your car and pull it out front." Ethan snapped at the two making them nod, and quickly but suddely head out of the mansion.

Ethan turned to face me and cupped my red cheeks in his hands making me look right into his eyes. "Now, I want you to go home and snuggle up all cute like you do, read a book, and I'll see you when everything is taking care of alright kitten?" He asked waiting for me to obey his command.

I opened my mouth to object, but he gave me a look telling me that was final. I sighed and nodded. He let go of my cheeks and walked me to the entrance.

I was about to walk away to my brothers car before I quickly walked back making a confused look appear on Ethan's face.

I bit my lip contemplating everything going through my mind.. I might as well just do it, I've done it before. I slowly walked up to him and stood on my tippy toes.

I place a kiss on his cheek letting it linger then pulled away. "Happy birthday Ethan." I whispered. He looked into my eyes with such emotion, one that I have yet to read about or experience.

He pulled me by my waist into his hard chest putting his head into my neck. He left a line of butterfly kisses there letting his hot breath hit my neck. It felt good.. and I had to resist the urge to make any noises at all.

"Stay safe my princess." He mumbled against my neck, then I hesitantly nodded and walked away to my brothers car.

After getting inside Nick sped off quickly, following Ethan's orders. I looked out the window watching the lights go over the car, and brighten my eye lids momentarily every few seconds.

I peeked up front seeing Nick was driving 80 in a 55. "Nicky slow down.. you're g-gonna kill us." I said quietly leaning on the center console. Nick slowed down a tiny bit making my nerves chill for a second.

"Liv do you know what's going on?" Max asked looking back at me with questioning eyes. I thought for a minute trying to think.. and every time all my thoughts led back to William.

I told them everything that happened with William, and they agreed that something fishy was going on. William was very diverse. Extravagant sharp edged beard, big build, jet black hair, and bright green eyes. He's not hard to pick out of a crowd. He also has this odd scar on his temple.

I wouldn't be surprised if he blended up the souls of puppies and ate them for breakfast, with the kind of glares he gives people. He's kind to me, but I don't think I would ever want to get on his bad side.

As we arrived in our drive way, I grabbed my phone and opened my door ready to get into some nice warm, fuzzy pajamas.


I woke up to the sound of my front door slamming shut. I jumped out of bed and peeked out my window, seeing it was still dark out. I slipped on my bunny slippers, and grabbed my bear. I can hear my heart beating out of my chest as if it was scared and ready to run away.

If anything is gonna protect me it will be this bear. I mean bears are scary, and they can attack you. Although he's made of fluff.. he's got a mean cuddle that might just strangle you, so watch out.

Greaser ☾Ethan Dolan Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat