Twenty Six ☾

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*Ethan's POV
She let me have her first kiss. I will cherish this little ladybug in my arms until I stop breathing. I'm happy.. finally have what I've always wanted.

I run the family business, got the girl.. but that bitch would never let me live a day being happy. It's her life goal to make my life hell.

"Liv go home baby, I'll text you later." I whispered to Liv leaving a kiss on her neck. She slowly got off my lap and had a worried expression on her face. I nodded telling her to go, and she nodded obeying. I instantly felt cold missing the warmth my little girl gives to me.

Sam sent a glare at her with each step she took until she was out of the room and safe from the spawn of satan herself. That's right Sam.. that's what a natural ass looks like.

I leaned back in my chair pinching the bridge of my nose, hoping when I open my eyes this slut will be gone.

"Why are you back?" I asked not wanting to hear her voice, but needing answers. "Oh please Ethy, you missed me." She said seductively as she walked closer to me in her normal stripper attire. How the hell did I ever find that hooker attractive?

She sat on the desk in her all black leather suit and practically pushed her boobs in my face then sent a fake innocent smile my way. "Now you can tell your little whore of the day, that her work here is done, cause the one you really want is back." She said with a bitchy fake giggle.

I rolled my eyes already tired of her. Excuse me bitch the door is right there don't let me shove it up your ass on the way out.

"What do you want?" I asked with no emotion. She smiled and clapped her hands excitedly. Her smile is bitchy and fake, Liv's is sweet and innocent. Ahh Liv. My Liv. Mine. My little girl. My babygi-

"Ethan!" The whore yelled on the table. I snapped out of my trance and gave her a sliver of my attention, because I could honestly care less about whatever she has to say.

She hopped off the table and walked to me turning my chair from under the table, to the side. She smirked and sat on my lap making me want to burn my clothes, that table, and everything else she touched.

"Now Ethy.. If you really don't care about me, then why did you get a tattoo for me?" She asked innocently. I scoffed. "I got that before I found out what a disgusting, cheating, dick sucking whore you were." I snapped.

I watched her grit her teeth but then a disgusting smirk replaced her frown. She grabbed each side of my face smashing her lips onto mine sticking her tongue down my throat.

"Hey Eth-" I heard the angelic voice say but abruptly stop as I shoved Sam off my lap. I looked to the door seeing Liv with her jaw dropped. I watched her go to say something but her words get caught in her throat. I looked to satan on the floor who had a proud smirk on her face.

"Liv. It's not what it looks like." I said slowly not wanting to scare her off. She looked like an innocent little baby deer caught in head lights.

"I-I'm sorry t-to interrupt-" I cut her off before she could say anymore, or make any false accusations. I stood up slowly walking to her as she had pouty little lips. God those lips that I crave so damn much.

"Baby, it's not what you think, let me explain yeah?" I asked full of hope, feeling like at any second my heart is gonna beat out of my chest. Liv bit her lip lightly and nodded slowly making the lights in the room shine on different angles of her face, including her eyes showing them a tad glossy.

Greaser ☾Ethan Dolan Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt