Thirteen ☾

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I woke up to the sound of a bunch of pans dropping, and loud laughing. I would be annoyed if it wasn't for the weekend finally here making me happy. I rolled out of bed squinting my eyes at the light, and shuttering from the stray hair out of my bun on my neck. I took my hair out of the messy bun, only to put it in a slightly neater bun.

I walked into my slippers curling my toes into the soft cotton inside. I pulled the hem of the sweater lower down my legs, and walked out of my room intending to find out what the hell my brothers are doing banging pans.

I entered the kitchen stopping in my tracks looking at the sight in front of me. What. The. Hell.

The entire basketball team, in my kitchen playing the drums. Drums being the pots and pans, and the drumsticks being the utensils.

"Guys? Guys?" I said a tad louder the second time. My 'loud' voice is considered an inside voice at the same time. The all stopped except for Michael who was deep in a drum solo banging his head as everyone stared at him.

He ended his solo with a loud bang on the lid of the crockpot and dropped the 'drum sticks' lifting his hands in the air. "Whoo! Hell ye-" he yelled but stopped as soon as he realized all the eyes starring at him.

"Uhm Hey Liv, hows a going?" Michael said clearing his throat. I blinked a few times looking at all the basketball jocks in my kitchen. "Hi." I said quietly. I walked to Max who was sitting on the floor with a bucket between his legs, and I kissed him on the cheek, muttering a 'good morning.'

Then I walked to Nick who was standing with judging cards and I kissed his cheek too. My brothers shot me smiles and that new kid spoke from Mr. Way's class. "Hi, I'm Brooks Larson." He said. I smiled. "Liv." I replied quietly.

"Did we wake you sis?" Max asked standing from the floor now much taller then me. I smiled and shrugged. "No biggy." I said. "Well we have a game at Jackson, so we won't be home till like ten or eleven okay?" Nick asked. I nodded heading to the fridge stepping over pans and drum sticks.

I replied with a quiet 'okay' and grabbed my orange juice, pouring the non pulpy substance in my favorite glass.

After a while of reading and watching Netflix I decided to go to Sal's since I have some time today, and I'm not doing anything.

Sal doesn't let me work on Saturdays because those are chill days, as he says, but maybe I can just go and help a little bit.

I went to my closet picking out a simple outfit, and since it is sunny today most of the snow is melted from this week.

I slipped the black skirt over my freshly shaved, and smooth legs, followed by my pale pink button up silk long sleeve blouse. I slipped on my pink old school vans, double noting them.

I straightened my long hair, then put only a portion of it into a loose ponytail. I topped it off with a silk black bow, and my black coat. I grabbed a book, my blue highlighter, and my phone, and headed to Sal's.

It's quite nice out today actually. Most of the snow is gone, resulting in the ground to be coated in dark brown slush. I stepped over the slush as much as I could and continued walking along the side walk.

I stopped when I heard my name being called.

"Olivia, hello dear." my neighbor Mrs. Cornish said waving while her other hand was captivated by the leash of her dog; Rex. I smiled turning around seeing her bright smile and short figure, covered in her famous long red coat.

"Mrs.Cornish, how are you?" I asked tucking my book in between my arms, while bending down to pet her border collie with the most beautiful coat of black and white fur ever. Rex got excited and wagged his tail. "I'm doing wonderful, heading to Sal's I presume?" She asked with a sly smile.

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