Eleven ☾

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I woke up on this hard bed that was oddly not hard anymore, and actually pretty soft and warm. I kept my eyes closed not wanting to get up yet. I suddenly heard chuckling close to me but I decided to ignore it.. good decision? Maybe not.

"This shit is gold." I heard Grayson's raspy voice say. I slowly peeked one eye open immediately meeting Ethan's hazel eyes. "Morning princess." He whispered with one eye shut due to being tired. I looked around noticing I was laying completely on top of him with my arms around his neck, and my legs in between his. I fought back the urge to cuddle back into his warmth.

"I-I'm sorry." I said trying to get up but stopped due to him holding my waist tighter. "You're warm." He said closing his eyes and gripping my hips in his hands. I smiled and then pried his arms off of me one finger at a time, and rolled off of him.

"What time is it?" I asked in a squeaky morning voice. "Seven." Dylan groaned sending glares in Ethan's direction. I wonder if they don't like each other. "So my ass is going back to bed." He said flopping back on the bed next to mine. I yawned seeing everyone back in their beds so I closed my eyes followed by a yawn causing my eyes to water.

Then I was dragged by my waist back on top of Ethan, and warmth immediately consumed my body. I'm too tired to fight back so I wrapped my arms around his neck and tucked my head in the crook of his neck closing my eyes. He must not have minded me breathing in his neck, because I felt his cheeks tighten with a smirk.

He hummed in satisfaction and his arms went around my waist rubbing my back up and down underneath my shirt. I smiled at his rough hands and found my eyes fluttering shut.

I jumped immediately due to the slam of the big metal door. Everyone seemed to get up, some even fell off of their bed. I was now sitting up beside Ethan when the lights flickered on. Huh, we have power now. I closed my eyes from the pain of the lights, and scrunched up my nose trying to regain my eye sight.

My.Way walked in front of everyone clapping being way too enthusiastic for what time it is. "Morning everyone, we need everyone up, the busses are outside to take you home, or if you drive you can head home now. You will not be continuing the day, so go home and get some rest." He said loudly causing my ears to ring.

I yawned and stretched out my arms causing the hem of my shirt to rise up.

I twisted around putting my feet on the ground with a yelp because of the cold concrete floor. I quickly jumped back on the bed causing a loud creak, then reached down from there gathering my things.

I put my night light in my bag and zipped it up. My teeth were chattering due to how cold it is, and my legs feel like iceacles. I slipped on my shoes and stood up making the bed of which was now rid of Ethan.

Almost everyone was out and all that was left was the guys, me, a few cheerleaders, and Mr.Way. "Are you cold?" Dylan asked eyeing me noticing the very visible goosebumps on my arms and legs. I nodded. He took off his leather jacket handing it to me. I was about to object not wanting him to get cold, but he gave me a look that told me he wouldn't take no for an answer, so I smiled and thanked him while I wrapped it around my arms.

Zipping it up I smiled letting the warmth of the leather overtake my body. It was quite large so it went past my butt, which I was thankful for.

I noticed him smiling looking me up and down, he then turned and glanced at Ethan who wasn't paying attention. I swung my bag over my back and headed to the door with Dylan by my side.

"So.. what are your plans for the rest of the day?" Dylan asked with his hands in his pockets. I slouched stepping over the large crack in the floor. "Um well I'm working at Sal's at five, then I don't really know I g-guess." I said walking up the stairs, concentrating to not fall and embarrass myself.

Greaser ☾Ethan Dolan Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora