I stared at her. I was utterly confused. "The truth is in the flash. Everything you want to know is in there but you can't play the flash on any other computer than the one I used to record it. The computer is with Camille," she said, putting the necklace around my neck and dipping it in my shirt.

Then she held my shoulders and looked me in the eyes caringly. "One more thing. I know we didn't have a great time together and I was never there for you but now things can change."

She softly took my face and gently placed her forehead on mine. She cleaned the tears I just noticed I was shedding. She said, "Please, forgive Alex and me."

"For what?" I asked, hearing a crack in my voice.

"We didn't mean for any of this to happen. I love you, we both do and we want the best for you so please forgive us.''

''I'm confused, mom. Please explain,' I said urging her.

''Go now. Genvi could be looking for you," she said, pushing me away.

"B-but," I protested.

"It's okay dear. It's going to be fine," she assured me calmly.

'She can't just push me away without an explanation. What's going on?'

"Please go. I love you, never forget that." She succeeded in getting me to stand up and leave. As I got to the door I looked back at her.

"I love you too mom." She smiled weakly and that was the last I saw of her, making six in a total of my entire life.

'Did she and Alex plan this? Did he know the truth more than I did? How can they plan stuff if they don't meet up? Do they meet up? Why didn't he tell me?' These thoughts flooded my mind as I made it back upstairs after removing my disguise.

The next thing I knew, I was in a dark room filled with security guards, standing far but in front of my brother and my father at the far end of the room between us telling us to kill each other. Basically, one had to kill one for the life of the other.

'Was this the 'special job'? I couldn't kill Alex. Ever!'

I had a shocked look very evident on my face but Alex didn't look so surprised. We both held guns in our hands. Then he did the strangest thing.

He quickly came up to me like he was going to do it then dropped his gun on the floor as tears fell from his eyes. I saw my father smirk. Tears filled my eyes as I looked up at Alex. He wanted to die so I'd live.

My father wasn't going to let us leave this room if one of us didn't die and Alex was fully aware. "If you don't hurry it up, I'll decide who to kill by myself," Genvi said at the heat of the moment Alex dropped his gun, practically begging me to kill him.

"No I can't Alex...I-I can't do it," I said between breaths. There was a knot in my throat that stopped me from breathing. I didn't even want to breathe. I quickly became dehydrated and it hurt. Forcing a gulp, I tried to maintain my balance because I could've fallen at any moment.

"It's okay Al. We're okay," he replied as he cried with me but he didn't make a sound.

'We're? Did he mean mom? So this is what mom wanted me to forgive her for.'

He looked at me intensely, then he nodded. "Do it." And I did. I fainted the next second. There was a rush of pressure in my chest. I didn't know what happened next but I woke up in my room of a prison. Literally.

I was greeted by the face of my furious father. "Stand up!" He shouted. I quickly stood up from the bed. I knew he would hurt me but it would've been worse if I didn't obey.

"You killed him. You're getting better, but you're still too weak. You couldn't even kill him without crying."

I received a hit on my face.

"Is that what I trained you for?! To be pathetically useless?!"

He hit me again.

I didn't fall. I held a firm face, looking down but no matter how many times he hit me, it always hurt and that made me fear him.

"Answer me!" He shouted as he kicked me in the stomach. I choked out blood as I fell on my knees. "So weak! Like your idiotic mother."

That alone made me boil with rage. I hated when he spoke badly of her, which was all the time. He never spoke good of any of us and he didn't deserve us either. Especially mom.

"Don't call her that," I said, looking him in the eye. His tone changed.

"What did you just say?" I could feel his anger rise.

He hated anyone talking back at him yet he wanted me to answer him just two minutes ago. He was a hypocrite. Maybe that was why he acted like that.

Without warning, he began to hit me anywhere he could reach. Then he said, "She is an idiot. Just like you, just like your brother."

Why did he have to mention my brother? I almost let out a sob but I forced it in. I couldn't give him the satisfaction.

He stopped then said, "I need you alive to conclude my plan so I won't go too far but you've angered me so this is your punishment. No food for a week. That will teach you not to speak back at me." He left and slammed the door.

I did it then. I took off. Left all my things behind but took my flash of truth. I jumped through the window and I began to run. I activated the security alarm but I didn't care. I was stronger than all the guards and I could take them.

I ran towards the east. I was supposed to go to the north border but I needed to distract them. As I ran, some of them caught sight of me.

They began to chase me and when they caught up, I decided to fight. Throwing everything I could at them, I was able to defeat them. I continued to run.

Suddenly, another guard came from my side. He fell on me and we both struggled on the ground. I was about to kick his manhood when I felt something leave me. I didn't focus on it. I quickly finished the task and began to run again.

I was in the woods running, thinking of the payback Genvi deserved. I didn't know how I was gonna do it considering the mafia I was up against but I didn't care.

I wanted revenge!


Please tell me what you think. I hope you like it.

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Daniella Ruyi.

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