I stared up at him. He seemed to get so much taller, either that or I seemed to be so much shorter.

"Hi," he breathed.

"Hi," I replied.

"Hi," he repeated.

"You already said that loser," I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah," he scratched the back of his neck.

"I love you," I blurted out.

"What?" Harry asked shocked.

"I still love you. You might not still feel the same, but I do. It's been years and years, I know I'm pathetic but it's true. I still love you a lot Harry. I really fucking do," I said looking into his eyes.

He smiled and his dimple popped out. He came over and hugged me tight and pulled away only to put his lips against mine and kiss me for a long time. Our first kiss again in 4 years. I felt like it was just the two of us. Only us in this messed up world.

"I still love you too," he whispered.

"I love you more," I smiled wide.

"That's impossible."

"But it's not," I kissed him again.

"It's been 4 years since I proposed to you," Harry said after we pulled away.

"I know. I remember."

"I'll be waiting for you tonight in the park again. Just like last time. I hope you show up," he kissed my forehead.

I didn't say anything. I just closed my eyes.

"I'll be waiting for you Louis William Tomlinson," he said then walked off.

"Awwww! Lovebirds!" Niall came up to me.

"Maybe," I blushed.

"So,,, are you gonna say yes this time?" Niall asked.

I was about to reply when Zayn cut in.

"If you don't I will cut your balls off and feed them to a shark."

"I agree," Liam added.

"Yeah. I'm gonna say yes," I answered.

They all smiled at each other


"So you're gonna say yes?" Ally asked me.

"Yeah, I'm ready," I replied.


I smiled at her.

"Well, I'm going now. Love you Al," I ruffled her hair.

"Love you too idiot," she sing songed.

I walked out the door into the cold night air. I breathed out and saw my breath come out in puffs.

I started walking to our park in silence. I was going to say yes. I was really happy. Happier than I've ever been in the last four years. I loved Harry to pieces, and now it's time to show him how much I did. Just by saying one little word our lives could change for the better.

I was almost to the park. Just one more street to cross. I was so giddy. Was that weird? I was so lost in my own happy thoughts that I didn't see the car ahead of me until they honked. I was too shocked to move. I stood there like an idiot. I remembered the time when I almost got hit by Lillian when I still didn't know who she was, and Harry pushed me out of the way to save me.

Unfortunately, this time he wasn't there to save me. The car hit me. I hit the street and heard glass shatter everywhere. My life was flashing before my eyes. Harry was in most of them.

"I'll marry you Harry," was the last thing I said with a small peaceful smile on my face. The sad part was that he would never get to hear it because I fell into darkness. And now I was gone from this world.


Hi guys! So this is the last chapter of Deceived Heart. I really enjoyed writing this story so so so much! My new fanfic Music To My Ears is up, but it's only the introduction. I really hope you guys like it! Please fave the intro and add it into your library! Now I know you might be a little mad about this chapter, but please understand that life doesn't always go the way you plan. Shitty unexpected things happen that aren't in your control sometimes and that is what happened. But if you want me to make an epilogue to this story or an alternate ending please tell me so that way you guys can get closure from this story if this wasn't enough. I love you all and I hope you read Music To My Ears and add it to your library! Love you all so so much thank you for the support on this book :). I'm going to miss writing it so much because I loved it so much, and it's my first fanfic I've written. I'm so glad all of you enjoyed it. Remember that if you want an epilogue or an alternate ending leave it in the comments below thank you :)

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