I cleared my throat not only to cut them off but also to clear my own thoughrs off.

I was almast willing to crash this car just to get rid off him. But I decided against it.

When we reached Andrew's place they stood for a moment looking at each other.

"Jo", he started. "Wanna come to my place for tonight?", he asked.

I gripped the staring wheel harder even though the car was not moving.

"Uhh", Jo trailed off.

She was thinking about it.

I galped and looked at the mirror. She cought my gaze in the mirror with a questioning look like she was asking for permission.

"Sorry no", she blurted out quickly and I let out a sigh of relief. "I just- we're fimling early tomorrow and I need to get ready"

"That's okay maybe another time?"

"Of course"

He got out of the car and she did as well. I though she was going to follow him for a second but the she opened the front door and plopped to the passenger sit.

She sighed in frustration and ran a hand through her hair.

I hardly fought the urge to let my hand do that for her.

She cought my gaze and smiled. I did too.

"What?", she asked.

"What?", I asked back still with a smile.

"You're on your Hardin-love-gaze", she said motioning two fingers up and down.

"I am?", I smirked. "Well, my bad"

I started the car and drove off while she had a confused face.

After a few minutes she broke the silence.

"I'm hungry", she anounced putting a hand on her belly.

"Wanna stop somewhere?", I asked.

"Tacos please"

I laughed at her cuteness and drove to the direction to get tacos.

We ordered three and sat on the car Jo taking immediatelly the bag in her hands.

We sat in silence just eating. I was devouring on a taco, when I heard a click. I turned my head and saw Jo holding her phone and taking a picture of me.

"Aw you're so cute", Jo said looking at the photo zooming in and out with her fingers.

My heart skipped a bit but I tried to ignore the feeling.

I looked at the photo and I saw me eating a taco like my life was depending on it. That photo was definitely not cute at all.

"I'm posting it", she exclaimed.

"What? No!", I yelled and reached to grab the phone from her.

"Come on, Hero! It's probably one of your cutest photos. Give me the joy to share it to the world", she laughed but I tried to grab the phone again.

She put her hands behind her back, the phone with her, and looked at me mishieviously.

"You're so evil"

My hands grabbed her sit, one next to her left hip and the other on the window behind her, and I lifted myself getting closer trying to reach for the phone.

"You're not getting it nah nah nah! I'm posting it!", she said again.

"Come on Jo", I said annoyed but I also laughed a little.

My Co-Lover (H.F.T. & J.L.)Where stories live. Discover now