The Virus of the Dark Wolves

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Urgh. Ow my head. It hurts. My muzzle too. I open my eyes. I see my paw in front of me, its drenched in blood...what happened? I also see Sakara in front of me, she looks beaten up like I am. I stand up to get a better view of where we are. In a forest? Seems like it. Ow my head. It hurts. I put my paw, thats not drenched in blood on my head to see if im bleeding at all, I am. Feels like i have not a major cut but a minor one on my head. Oh well. I poke Sakara. "Hey Sakara, Wake up." Sakara starts to shift around. She places her paws on her head, "Ow, My head really hurts." She must have a cut like me, "Lift up your paws so I can see if you cut your head like I did." Yep. "Yea you have a cut about the same size as mine, but your stand up." She grunts at me and stands up. Does she know what happened? cause all i remember was someone named inest- and something about a virus...i dont remember the rest. "Hey you know what happened after we jumped into the portal?" She looks at me with sad and scared emotion in her eyes, "Right after we got into the portal, We were teleported to a city. You would think a city will be filled with wolves i mean other wolves like us. No....They were wolves like us...but insane....blood coming out of their eyes...mouths. Their eyes looked insane. I saw players that were normal like us but they were killed in an instant and became like the rest of them. It was like a virus was taking over SMO. You and I were shocked and scared, we tried to go back into the portal, it didnt work. We ran around the whole city together but when we found another the wolves, you know the ones that looked like they were insane, jumped on me and and was about to kill me until you lunged yourself at the wolf. It seemed like you recongized the wolf, you stood still for a second, but in that second, the wolf jumped at you and you were fighting back now and pushed the wolf off. The wolf hit a rock on the floor and blood was pouring out of its head so you thought it was dead. You turned around and looked at me relieved but hurt. I saw the wolf getting up again, I screamed your name, but the wolf already got to you....the wolf pushed you and you went sliding across the ground...i thought you would be fine until you hit a sharp rock. You looked dead, but you were still breathing. The wolf was running towards you to end you until another wolf came out of nowhere and killed it and ran off. Since you were still breathing, I dragged you into the portal and we teleported to a top of a hill. I didn't see where i was going so we tumbled all the way down the hill and here we are." i remember. I saw the white wolf. Her name was inest- why cant i remember her name. She told me about a virus taking over SMO. She was the wolf that attacked me. She said she was dead when she told me the message, so that was her body but her soul wasnt in there? What kind of virus is this? "Nia?...Hellloooo!!!" I must have dazed off cause Sakara was howling to me and waving her paw in front of my face. "Oh sorry, i just remembered who that wolf was...the one that attacked me." She looks confused, "Who was it?" I cant remember her name. Thats the problem, "I know its a girl and i know part of her name. Inest-" Sakara looked dissapointed, "Why don't you know her whole name." I reply, "I dont know..i think-" Sakara and I hear a loud crash and snarls and growling in the direction we are looking at, then we here a voice, "SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!!! YORIA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? IM YOUR BROTHER!!! HELPP!!" Is that who i think it is? Sakara looks at me like she knows what im thinking, we both dash off in the direction we heard the scream. Please...please be not them. We reach the area where we heard the scream. It is who i thought it was. "Dradis?......" i say with a soft and afraid tone. Dradis. Dradis is there with blood splattered all over his face, his body is completely frozen and the emotion in his eyes are fear, and sadness. He doesnt have the virus thankfully. "Nia?..Sakara?" He looks at us, "Please dont kill me!" He is still scared. Sakara moves foward, "Dradis, dont worry we dont have the virus, we are not like them." Dradis gets up and nuzzles both of us. "Oh thank god both of you are here to save me." I see 2 dead wolves in the direction Dradis was staring at. "Dradis are you hurt? Were you bitten?" , Sakara asks. Dradis looks up, "No, but-" He stops speaking and starts to cry, "It should of been me.." He keeps repeating. I see something i recongize, a red bandana. No it cant be....but i remember something "YORIA!!" No please no!!!! I run towards to the 2 dead wolves. Its- Its- Its Yoria. I Stand there...eyes wide open...petrified at the scene. Yoria...Yoria's throat is ripped open, her head is still pouring blood, and so is her stomach..and the other wolf i do not recongize, i also see a rock covered in blood near Yoria's head...but it seems like Yoria saved Dradis. Yoria probably killed the, probably insane, wolf and the wolf probably bit her in the process and got her infected, turned on Dradis, Dradis probably fought back and pushed her towards the sharp rock, to her fate. Yoria saved Dradis, but Dradis had to kill Yoria to save himself once more. I can't even help myself anymore. I start to cry uncontrollably with Yoria's red bandana in my paw. "I should've came sooner. I could have probably saved both of you..." , I blame myself. Sakara slowly pads over to me and petrified at the scene..she cries on my shoulder...same for Dradis..."WHY NOW!?!?!" I howl at the clouded but glimmering sky.....

-------------------------THE LIGHT OF EXPIRED 401----------------------------

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