A New World

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Its been 2 months after we seen the lost world burn up in flames...

        "Sakara...When do you think we will be ready?" We have been planning on going to the lost world even tho..its burned up in flames. It can still hold a powerful power. So we are hoping we can save the lost world that the orginal inestia created by herself.

        "Why should we bother Nia?...Soon we will all know that we will probably never escape this hell." What cursed words did Sakara just speak....She will not give in to this hell and i know it.

        "Nia....Look around us, we are surrounded by darkness. Alot of wolves risk there lives to try and find an escape for all of us, but we are just sitting around waiting. Wolves are losing their lives while we sit here in safety...What is wrong with us?...We should be out there too...." Sakara has a very good point. I give her a look of sympathy and walk away. Should we go out there?...We could lose any one of us if we risk our lives. I dont want any of them to die. Im not scared of death....im scared of losing people that are close to me. More than 55% of the population that orginally logged into SMO is dead. That scares me.

        "Hey Nia! Wait up!...." Its Devin. What does he want now. Im still not in the best mood with him. "What do you need now?" I try to say that in a soft tone so it doesnt seem that im mad at him. Cause im not.

        "I need to talk to you in private." This again. Why cant it be here. In the open. Where I could see the rest of them. "Okay." I follow Devin to an area we never explored. This area is out of our borders. "Is this it?...because we are outside our borders. He gives me a look of arrogance. I give him a stern look in return. "What is the problem Nia....You've been so arrogant around me. You're not arrogant with Sakara, Rocco, and Staren. You treat them fine. Its like your pissed at me or something. Are you still ticked off about something cause of the thing that happened 2 months ago..." 

        I sit in silence. I dont know how to respond or even look at him. He is still his stupid self from reality. How could i even forgive for the cold shoulder he has been giving me for almost 2 years now. "Listen Devin before you go jumping to conclusions that arent true...you need to know why." Im not losing you like i did with Yoria. "I felt like i was always getting the cold shoulder for almost 2 years now. Do you know how that must feel?....and to know that you are becoming like your cousin. I dont even know what to say more." Has he ever considered? ....Wait. I know. "Devin this is the last time we talk about our problems between us. First thing we need to do is escape this hell okay?...so dont come crawling to me again with your tail tucked-" Devin jumps on me and pins to me to the floor. "What do you think you're doing idiot...." He glares at me. "Im scared of losing all of you...." He starts to cry. "It took you this long to show emotion...." He looks down at me, "But im mostly scared of losing you....and you know why." Yet i dont care at all....how do i play this...ok got it. I kick my leg under him and fling him over to a tree and he hits the trunk. "Owww...." He is moaning in pain. Good. Lil fuck. I get up and walk back to our area. My eyes widen and a memory flashes through my eyes....

~Devin runs over to us. He has blood all over him. "NIA! ROCCO! COME QUICK!" I guess Rocco will have to wait. Please nothing bad. Please. We reach our area. I look around. I see no problem what so ever. "Devin i see nothing wrong...why in the world would you-..." No. No. Fuck. Why. "Staren!!! Are you ok?!" Staren is on the floor with blood pouring out of a cut on his head.~

        Its not going to happen again. I sprint over to our area. Everyone is okay. Sakara gives me a confused look when i rush in. 

        "Hey Nia.....Are you okay?...You look panicked..." Of course she notices. She is my sister. "Yea im fine i just had a memory flash through me so i ran here so it wouldnt happen again." She looks up at the sunlit sky. She of course knows what im talking about. I walk on over to Rocco and Staren.

        "How are the 2 musketeers doing?" Rocco and Staren give me a strange look. "There are 3 musketeers. Where is Devin?....Did something happen?...." Fuk. Think Fast. "No of course not. The hell? You think I would leave him...pshh u thought. Idiots. He went hunting cause he was too hungry." Staren and Devin still look at me weirdly. Oh fuck them. I walk to my spot where i sleep. Its cold. Too cold. I still lay down tho. Its better than the hard dirt floor. Is Devin okay? He should of been back by now....I'll go find him. Just to make sure. I get up. 

        "Hey guys! I'll go get Devin before it gets dark. He is probably catching too much prey. heh." Sakara looks at me weirdly. Hopefully she doesnt go get any ideas. I run off to go get Devin. Lil dick cant even help his own self. Idiot. I get there by dusk. Shit. I need to hurry up more. 

        "Devinnnn!!! Where are youuuuu!!" Lil dick answer. "Im over here.....ow." Lil fuck finally answers to one of my calls.....after 2 fucking years. dik. I walk on over to where i heard his voice. I see Devin laid acrossed the grass. What in the name of Inestia does he think he is doing?....

        "Devin get your lazy ass up now." He looks at me with hurt. Is he really that hurt?...Ugh. "My back hurts. I cant get up." My fucking lord. "Fine you forced me to helped you. Dik." He grunts...and puts his head down in shame. Does he really have to be in shame? let loose for once you pansie. Jeez. I put him around my back. I carry him over towards our area. Why cant he just say, "I need help" or "Nia come with me?....." but noooo he has to be a fucking mature dick. 

        When we reach our area, Sakara looks at me and asks, "Whats wrong with him?...." Fine i will come clean. "To be honest....I dont really care what I did to him. I could really careless now. By the way. We are moving towards the front lines. We are going to go to the new world. Tomorrow." Its decided. We are going. This is our last stand. Out of this hell. Back into reality.

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