Floor 78

38 6 4

After 3 months....

        "HEY WAKE UP YOU BISH!!!!" Sakara screams at me. I yawn, get up, then slap her. "OW!!! YOU BISH! AT LEAST I WOKE YOU UP!! BE GRATEFUL!" I laugh and soon the others wake up. Its been 3 months we have been stuck in here. Nothing bad has happened since the day I almost died. Peaceful. For once. I miss my family alot tho. I wish I can see them. My Mom and Dad and My cat, Her name is Sasha. I miss her so much. I hope we can clear this floor fast. We have to clear 500 dungeons, I like to call them floors but...we have 432 floors to go, and its been 3 months. 3 months. I sigh. Why did this happen? Why did inestia do it?.....who knows. Only the true inestia knew. The voice in my head hasnt spoke to me for a long time. I wish she could give me some advice. At least to find out a faster way to get out of here. Everyone has been healthy. Rocco has a bit of trouble on the paw he hurt before, but he manages fine. Devin and Staren are idiotic like normal. Sakara is Sakara. Everyone is fine. I keep asking Rocco what he was thinking 3 months ago when I almost died and The dark inestia said my true name. Im afraid that he knows. Either way, he seems to be keeping it secret. Hopefully none of the others know either, or all of them would be in danger. You see...since im techically not a human since i was assembled in a lab, by humans. I escaped cause i didnt want to die. Plus i didnt want to hurt anyone, especially that person who i had a bond with. She was the only one who voted againist destroying me. She built me piece by piece. Made sure that i grew up knowing to respect, protect, and have and live a normal like them. Only not everyone thought that. After a test they did on me, to make sure i was running smoothly, they checked my stats. They were high. I had high intelligence, courage, speed, stamina, eyesight, grip, and fighting. That scared them, since i was intelligent, they were scared that one day i would overthrow them and kill them.. Oh well. I wonder what they are doing now...,"Hey Nia, Can i talk to you?" What now....,"Ok sure." I sit down to get comfy. "No...I mean in Private." Fuck. Sakara rapidly turns her head and says, "Awe! The fantasy couple is going to talk in private!!" I give her a death stare. She thinks i have a crush on Rocco just cause i talk to him alot. Jeez. "Oh screw you Sakara." Rocco seems nervous now and leads me to where he wants to talk. "Okay...What do you want to talk about?" He seems scared and nervous at first but then he says it...., "Who is Expired.401?" SHIT. "Um...no one...Why you ask?" He knows. Oh fuck me. "Because when all of us were knocked out...I heard the fake inestia say someone's name....expired.401." Fuck. "I bet you were just thinking. I know no one with that name. Could it have been something else?" He stares at me. He knows that truth. "Nia....-" He sighs "-why are you hiding the truth..." Fuck. Do i have to tell him?...I dont want to ruin our friendship over this..., "Listen Rocco I-" Devin runs over to us. He has blood all over him. "NIA! ROCCO! COME QUICK!" I guess Rocco will have to wait. Please nothing bad. Please. We reach our area. I look around. I see no problem what so ever. "Devin i see nothing wrong...why in the world would you-..." No. No. Fuck. Why. "Staren!!! Are you ok?!" Staren is on the floor with blood pouring out of a cut on his head. "Who did this to you Staren!? Where is Sakara also?.." Devin and Staren look at each other. Devin sighs. "Sakara did it. She ran away when it happened..." Im shocked at it but not surprised at the same time. Its her personality, but i bet this wasnt on purpose. Probably she got scared and ran. "Okay...Um. Im going to find Sakara. Rocco you use one of the healing leaves on his head. It could be fatal." Rocco nods. "Devin, did you see where Sakara ran? Like in which direction??..." He thinks of a few seconds. "She went north." Okay. I nod at him then dash off. Please dont do anything Sakara. Im on my way. After an hour of dashing through the tall grass, i stop running to catch my breath, "Oh Sakara....where are you?.." I get pinned from the back. I see blood drips near my head. "Who or What is this???" I flip myself over and kick the wolf off. Its a Dark wolf. Thank the lord for my reflexes. I bite its neck and throw it to a boulder, snapping its neck in half. Phew. While i clean myself off from the blood drips, i see black and red fur. Sakara? I walk over carefully to see. Its sakara under the boulder. She dug a hole to hide. "Sakara its me dont worry." She is still trembling under the boulder. I approach the boulder and pull her out myself. "Im sorry Nia....I slapped him but he tripped over a stick and fell on a rock and hit his head. Im really sorry! Is he ok? Did i kill him! Im so stupid-" You are not going insane on me, "SAKARA! ~I slap her~ CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" She breathes in and out. "Im sorry. Can we go home now?" She calls this home?....fine. "Sure.... Lets go home....."

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