Chapter 15 - Getaway

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Hey my lovely readers!

AHH! I can't believe I actually finished this chapter! It took me almost 11 months and you know how sorry I am for that. Hope you don't hate me lol

But since I've been home for a whole fucking month I guessed I should try to write. So here you go!

I love guys so much, stay healthy, stay safe, and STAY HOME! Social distancing is important, guys.

Anyways, enjoy this chapter ❤️ I'll try to update again soon but there are no promises.



21st of July, 2008
Michael is 49, Angela is 44

Angela: "Mommy!"

I groaned internally when Blanket called my name. I literally just sat down, after changing both AJ's and Leo's diapers and putting both of them for a nap.

"Mommy, mommy!" my step-son ran to me. "Can we go in the pool? Pleaaassse!"

"Maybe later, okay?" I said.

"But daddy promised me..."

I sighed, "Hopefully, daddy will come back soon enough and he'll take you. I just need a few minutes to-"

"Mom! Prince and Eric are being annoying again!" Lily yelled from the top of the stairs, stomping down angrily. "Paris and I are trying to watch 'Hannah Montana' and they keep stealing the remote! We tried telling them to stop but they're not listening."

And my few minutes of peace are gone. Where is Michael? He said he'd be back 30 minutes ago.

I was getting worried, too. This still was his first time alone since he woke up. Before going to help my daughter I tried calling my husband again but had no success.

On my way up the stairs with Lily, we bumped into Adam, one of our many bodyguards.

"Oh, sorry, Mrs. Jackson." he smiled slightly.

"No, it's okay," I said. "Lily, honey, go upstairs. I'll be right there."

My daughter groaned but listened anyway.

"Can I help you, ma'am?"

"Yes. Do you know where my husband is? He's not answering his phone and I'm getting worried..."

The bodyguard quickly averted his eyes from mine. "Uh no, I just know he went out with Javon."

"Don't lie to me, Adam."

"Uh, well, Javon said they're going somewhere in LA, and mentioned a prison, I think."

My face fell, "What? Are you sure?"

The bodyguard nodded. I felt my heart beating faster realizing what Michael was doing. And although it warmed my heart that he wanted to protect me like that, I knew what Danny was capable of and I was scared for my husband.

Quickly, I took out my phone and dialed my husband's number.

"Mrs. Jackson, if Javon finds out I told you, I'm fired-" Adam started but I cut him off.

"I'll make sure you aren't."

Michael cleared his throat, "Hello?"

"Please don't be where I think you are." I begged.

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