Chapter 6 - Do You Remember?

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10th of May, 2008
Michael is 49, Angela is 44

Michael: "Look here, Mr. Jackson." Dr. Moore said, moving his finger in front of my face.

I followed it with my eyes like he instructed, and he said everything was good.

"Your wife asked to see you." he smiled.

"Angela?" I asked, making him nod. "Oh, I don't know..."

It's so weird knowing we actually got married. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we would ever end up together.

"You should see her, she'll help you put some pieces together. I'll get one of the nurses to take you."

"She can't come here?"

The doctor sighed, "She's not allowed out of bed."

"What's wrong?" I was genuinely concerned. She was carrying my baby after all.

"She's been admitted in the maternity ward for a week now. I don't exactly know what's going on. You should really see her."

I nodded. "Alright. Could you tell Javon to come in?"

"Uh, he's not here. There's another bodyguard outside."

I told him to call him in and I asked to be taken to Angela's room.

The bodyguard opened the door, revealing Angela in her bed with Javon next to her. He had his hand on her bump while she moved it up and down.

"Woah... How is this not hurting you? They're kicking so hard..." he laughed.

Angela's eyes traveled up and she noticed me.

"Michael." she breathed.

Javon cleared his throat, "Mr. Jackson, you're looking great. Here, sit."

Angela smiled at him when he removed his hand from her stomach. He said we should talk alone and left with the other bodyguard.

"It's so good to see you." she gulped.

"Are you okay? Dr. Moore said you can't get out of bed..." I finally took my seat.

"Yeah, kinda. My blood pressure is too low, I have partial placental abruption, my husband doesn't remember our marriage... Same old, same old."

I sensed how annoyed she was. I couldn't blame her, though.

"I'm sorry," she apologized quickly. "This isn't your fault. I'm just... I'm honestly done with all of it right now. This pregnancy was going so well and last week something happens... Everything just went downhill from there. I'm really glad you woke up, Mike."

"Me too."

It was awkward for a few minutes before I spoke again, "So how come we got married?"

She looked at me with sad eyes. "Jake had a wish. He wanted us to get married and have a child. Don't ask me why because I still don't know... I think we both felt so obligated to him we went through with it. That was right after he passed away... Then we fake-dated for a while and got married on February 20th, 2005. And believe me when I say that we did not get along..."

I smiled. Of course we don't get along. She never liked me.

"Wait, what happened with the charges?"

"Oh, you won that case. Free of all charges."

I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

"And that's my baby, right?" I looked at her round bump.

Angela giggled, "Yeah... It's our fourth child together. We have the twins, Rose and Jared, and our baby girl, AJ."

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