Chapter 31 - London

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12th of March, 2009
Michael is 50, Angela is 45, and Jake is 46

Angela: Raindrops tapped gently on the plane window when we landed at Heathrow airport.

"Mike, wake up." I stroked Michael's arm.

"Five more minutes, Angie..." he mumbled.

I giggled, kissing the corner of his mouth. "Come on, sleepyhead. You can sleep at the hotel."

He opened his eyes finally and stretched as Adam approached us with a smile.

"Mr. Jackson, we should get going, the car arrived." he said.

Adam has been coming along everywhere with us since Michael made him my personal bodyguard. He would sometimes even fill in for Javon as head of security, like this trip.

I grabbed my purse, taking my husband's offered hand before we exited the plane.

"Welcome to London, baby." he whispered in my ear when we settled into the car.

"I'm so excited, I can't believe we're here." I told him.

He leaned in to place a small kiss on my lips. "Mmhm, and it's even better in the summer..."

We were interrupted by the car door opening, and Raymone Bain sat across from us.

"Michael, you have a meeting with the O2 Arena executives at 6:30, just reminding you." she informed, not even looking up from her Blackberry.

Her acrylic nails clicked on her keyboard rapidly, the sound annoying me like hell. As if she didn't do that enough already.

"Don't we have dinner reservations at 7?" I looked at Michael. "You know, for my birthday dinner..."

He opened his mouth to explain, but Bain beat him to it.

"I had to cancel. This meeting is more important."

I'm gonna kill her.

I crossed my arms over my chest, "You did what?"

"We had to schedule this meeting for today because you have the house hunting all day tomorrow, then a dinner with Kenny Ortega, and you're meeting your new neurologist the next day. Oh, and don't forget Barry Gibb wanted to see you before you leave..."

"Don't I have a say in this? It's my birthday." I frowned at Michael.

"I'm sorry, Angie, I forgot to tell you... We can go out to breakfast tomorrow, if you'd like," he smiled sweetly. "And for tonight, we'll do some food service and stay in bed..."

His lips found mine again. He kissed me lovingly, and his arms wrapped around my body tightly.

We haven't done anything sexual since I had the abortion. Not even on our anniversary last month.

It took me around three weeks to heal completely, with Michael pampering me the entire time.

After that, I still wasn't that comfortable with him touching certain places.

Tonight was different, though. We were away from home, and I was determined to finally have him for myself. Plus, it was my birthday.

Bain cleared her throat loudly, "You can't do breakfast tomorrow, Michael. The realtor is meeting you at 9."

I rolled my eyes so she could see. What a bitch.

"Push her to 11, I'm taking my wife to breakfast." my husband dismissed her.

The manager's cheeks blushed deeply from being put in place.

I win.

He pulled me closer to him, making me smile victoriously.

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