Chapter 5 - The Unexpected

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8th of May, 2008
Michael is 49, Angela is 44

Angela: Another boring day.

Frustrated, I groaned and changed my position on the bed. Even the book I started reading bored me to death.

I hated not being able to walk around. Even when going to the bathroom a nurse was told to help me. But mostly I was tired of being cooped up in this room.

A nurse did take me a couple times to see Michael, and still, I needed out. And I was missing my kids like crazy. I couldn't wait for this week to be over already.

Javon knocked on the door. He came in, holding a bag sent from Katherine, filled with more things I needed from home.

He placed everything neatly close to me then took out some snacks from the bottom.

"Katherine said you might want these." he handed me some chips.

"Thanks," I smiled and opened the bag, offering him some. "I really need these right now."

He declined politely. "Can't be ruining this body. I've been working hard lately. When I have time, of course."

"About that, how are you still single with that kind of body?"

"I had a girlfriend six months ago... But I got too busy with everything happening to Mr. Jackson so I ended it. She didn't deserve being tossed to the side."

"Great, now you made me feel bad." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't, it wasn't meant to be. She didn't like Mr. Jackson's music. That was a deal breaker." he joked.

I chuckled, "I'm still not that big of a fan, to be honest..."


Shrugging, I went back to eating my chips.

"But how can you not? He's the King of Pop for Christ's sake!" Javon said.

"He has some good songs, I guess... I don't know, I'm not a big music fan when I think about it."

The bodyguard shook his head, "Wow..."

An idea popped in my head.

"Hey, Javon, you think you could take me to breathe some fresh air? I really need it..." I begged.

"I don't think your doctor would like that, Mrs. Jackson."

"Please, I won't get up. You can wheel me out." I nodded at the wheelchair in the corner of the room.

"Fine. Ten minutes. But if I get in trouble... I'm quitting." he winked.

I squealed happily and he offered to pick me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck then he placed me down on the wheelchair.

"Thanks." I smiled.

He opened the door, making sure no one was around, and took me to the nearest balcony.

Once the sun hit my skin and the fresh air filled my lungs I felt like myself again.

"Thank you," I leaned back, closing my eyes. "I really needed this..."

But of course all good things had to end. The baby started kicking, hard.

"No..." I sighed.

"What? Are you okay?" Javon asked worriedly.

"They're kicking."

He glanced at my stomach.

"You want to feel it?" I offered.

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