Chapter 36 - Show Time

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7th of July, 2009
Michael is 50, Angela is 45, and Jake is 46

Angela: Adam stopped the car at the back entrance of the O2 arena. There were paparazzi everywhere, along with a swarm of fans just waiting for us there.

"We're here! Let's go, mom!" Paris chirped and unbuckled her seatbelt. The rest of the older kids followed.

"Just a second, Parry," I told her, turning to Blanket, Rose, and Jared. "Pick your masks, guys."

"Mommy, I don't want one..." Blanket whined.

I sighed, "You have to, Blanket."

"But everyone else isn't wearing one!"

"You'll get to take yours off when you're as old as them, okay? Come on, baby. We're gonna be late."

"Yeah, we only have an hour before the show starts, Blanket!" Eric encouraged.

My step-son groaned. "Fine."

"Thank you, baby."

I helped the twins put on their own masks, before the rest of us wore our sunglasses. Adam had Rose in his arms, while I had Jared, and the other children walked with two more bodyguards in front of us.

It was crazy. There were so many people, just trying to get a glimpse of us. In my entire married life to Michael, I've never experienced such a huge amount of people.

I saw the kids enter safely. When I went through the door, it was even more hectic inside.

Crew people were running everywhere, with Kenny standing in the middle of it all.

"Angela," he saw me, a big smile plastered on his face. "So good to see you all! Michael's in his dressing room, he's waiting for you. I'd take you there myself, but as you can see, I have some things to take care of."

"No worries, Kenny. Enjoy yourself." I smiled back.

Adam took us to where Michael's room was. It was less busy there, still, there were a bunch of bodyguards all over the hallway.

I turned to my bodyguard. "Are my parents here already?"

"Yes, ma'am. They just arrived with the rest of the families." he nodded.

I set Jared down and he ran along with his siblings. They didn't even bother knocking, they all just burst through the door.

Michael's laugh echoed loudly, making me frown.

Things between us have been very rocky since the night of the interview.

I thought it would blow over in a couple of days, like it did before, that he'd start talking to me.

Unfortunately, I was dead wrong, it was his turn to be distant.

He almost never came to bed at the same time as me anymore, and in the mornings I would find him sleeping so far away on his side.

Just the thought of it made the knot inside my stomach come back, my heart started beating fast. Here we go again.

"Adam," I managed to say. "Take me to the nearest restrooms?"

The bodyguard obliged as fast as he could. He opened the door for me, making sure I got into one of the stalls just in time.

I heaved over the toilet, that queasy feeling never going away, yet nothing seemed to come out.

My pregnancy symptoms have gotten worse; I was always nauseated, and when I wasn't, my lower back would ache. The migraines were the worst, though.

"Can I get you anything?" Adam asked from outside the stall. "Should I call Mr. Jackson?"

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