Chapter 41 - Family Trip

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OMG guys I totally forgot to show you how close I was to the Jonas Brothers last week 🥹

My babies, I've been loving them since I was 9, they were my first ever loves and obsession (always a Joe girl at heart). If you even just like them or their music, get tickets to The Tour!! You won't be disappointed. Any seat is great on that tour lol

I had so much fun and met so many new people 😭

Hope you enjoy this double update, I LOVE these chapters

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Hope you enjoy this double update, I LOVE these chapters.

Enjoy ❤️



25th of August, 2009
Michael is 50, Angela is 45, and Jake is 46

Angela: Michael helped me sit down inside Dr. Clarke's office.

He was given a higher dose of his blood pressure pills a couple weeks ago. His doctor said he had another spike, which explained his recent headaches.

I was finally cleared by Dr. Brent to go on our trip, after she checked me throughly. My scar was healing like it should, and I had no more pain. But she did ask me to take it slow, not do things too fast.

We were supposed to be leaving for Ireland tonight; except Dr. Clarke wanted to have Michael go through one final scan.

"It all checked out, Mr. Jackson. Scan is looking great, and your blood pressure is even again. You are good to go. How are those headaches?" the doctor smiled.

"Better, I think. They're less intense." my husband said.

"Good. If anything happens while you're traveling, please contact me."

The doctor shook our hands, and we quickly left his office with Adam.


We settled inside the private jet. Michael made sure everyone was ready to go before taking his seat next to me.

"You look tired, babe." he rubbed my knee.

"We did spend the entire day packing..." I leaned my head back.

"Here," he opened the leg rest for me, and covered me with a blanket. "Sleep."

He placed a pillow behind my head, kissing me.

"It's only an hour away, Mike." I yawned, my body relaxed just by the simple act of being tucked in.

"Sleep." he repeated, with a more ordering tone this time.

And I did, I fell asleep almost instantly.


26th of August, 2009
Michael is 50, Angela is 45, and Jake is 46

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