"Where is Camila?" Cole leaned in his face inches away from Max. But Max just smirked before spitting on his face. Cole stood up and wiped the spit off his face. He glared at Max before searching his pockets. He smirked when he found a phone on his right pocket.

Good thing I'm good at memorizing numbers. Cole thought before dialing Lauren's number.


"Stay calm okay. Just act like it's a normal lunch date you guys used to have" Lauren said. She was seated at the back of Alejandro's mercedes with Barbara and Dinah  on their way to the restaurant.

"I'm fine Lauren.. I can do this shit in my sleep" Barbara replied.

"Laur you need to chill" Dinah chuckled.

"I just want this to work" Lauren sighed as she looks outside the window.

"It will work" Barbara placed her hand on Lauren's knee.

"I hope so" Alejandro chimed in as he drives the car.

"Hands off Barb" Dinah removed Barbara's hand on Lauren's knee.

"I'm just comforting her" Barbara rolled her eyes.

"Yeah and Camila won't like that" Dinah scoffed.

"Okay girls we're here" Alejandro said as the car came to a stop. "Remember the police will crash your lunchdate when you excuse yourself to the restroom. That's the signal"

"Got it Mr. Cabello" Barbara smiled.

"Thank you" Alejandro smiled back.

"So good luck kiss? In case something bad happens" Barbara turned to Lauren which made Alejandro and Dinah frown.

"Wha.. no!" Lauren exclaimed.

"You're trying too hard. Get the fuck out" Dinah opened the car door before pushing Barbara out.

"I was kidding" Barbara chuckled as she steps out.

"Whatever.. good luck" Dinah scoffed.

Lauren had her eyes on the restaurant waiting for Dylan to show up when her phone started ringing.

"Hello?...who is.....Cole?! You asshole where the fuck are you you little shit!" Lauren exclaimed. Dinah and Alejandro quickly turned their attention to Lauren.

"I'm gonna kick your ass.... what? Camila?... where are you?... who are you talking to and why are you tasing balls?... ok.. text me the address... okay I'm on my way.." Lauren hanged up and looked at Alejandro "Mr. C I need to..."

"Where are we going?" Alejandro cut her off. Lauren showed him the address and Alejandro immediately drove off.


"Hey I'm so glad you're...." Cole was cut off when Lauren's fist collided with his faced.

"Oh shit.." Dinah was surprised when Lauren punched Cole.

"That's for Camila.." Lauren glared at Cole who was on the floor.

"Okay I deserved that" Cole hissed in pain. "Damn Jauregui.. you can punch"

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