Chapter 6

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Camila groaned and stretched her arms and legs before opening her eyes.

"What the fuck?" She whispered with wide eyes while sitting up.

"Shit" Camila hissed as she felt a throbbing pain in her head. She rubbed her temple with her thumb and sighed "where am I?" She quickly lifted the covers to check if she's naked and relaxed when she noticed that she's wearing cotton shorts and a baseball jersey.

"Thank god" Camila mumbled before running her fingers through her hair.

The door opened and she snapped her eyes to the door waiting for someone to walk in.

"Oh good.. you're up"

The fuck? Camila thought while she looked at the guy with thick eyebrows walk towards her with a tray of food.

"Uhh.. who are you?" Camila furrowed her brows in confusion.

"You don't remember? Camila shook her head no.

"I carried you here while you whisper dirty things in my ear... last night was amazing babe"

"What?!" Camila exclaimed

"What's going on here?" Lauren walked towards them holding a glass of pineapple juice. "Chris you're freaking her out.. fuck off"

"I'm sorry.. but I did help Lauren carry you" Chris chuckled at Camila.

"It's fine.. thank you" Camila gave Chris a small smile. "I'm Camila by the way"

"Chris.. and let me just say.. YOU.ARE.GORGEOUS! Chris smiled at Camila while Lauren rolls her eyes. 

"Uh thanks" Camila smiled.

"Okay.. get out" Lauren pushed Chris towards the door.

"Nice meeting you Cam..." Chris was cut off when Lauren slammed the door at his face.

"Sorry about my idiot brother"

"It's okay" Camila chuckled.

"How are you feeling?" Lauren sat on the edge of the bed.

"Like shit" Camila replied.

"You should eat" Lauren pointed at the pancakes and bacon. "Uhh drink this.. it'll make you feel better" Lauren gave Camila the glass of pineapple juice.

"Thanks" Camila smiled before taking a sip "Oh my god.. this is amazing"

Lauren can't help but admire Camila's morning look. Some people would look like a mess but not Camila. Camila is effortlessly beautiful, with her messy hair and bare face and her alluring brown eyes.

"Lauren" Camila called snapping Lauren out of her thoughts.

"I'm sorry?" Lauren answered while Camila chuckles.

"That's the second time you zoned out while talking to me"

"Oh. I'm sorry"

"I was asking you if you know where my car is?" Camila asked before taking a bite of her pancakes.

"Uhh.. it's here.. Chris and I came back for it"

"I don't even remember what happened last night" Camila sighed

"That's because you were drugged" Lauren blurted out making Camila frown.


"You barged in when Lucy and I are talking and you said that you're sleepy and your legs were jelly then you just passed out on the bed"

"Oh my god" Camila ran her fingers through her hair.

"And when we were walking out of the house the guy you were making out with tried to steal you away.. he said he's the one taking you home.. you should be careful next time." Lauren said as she felt herself getting upset of what happened last night.

"I'm sorry" Camila got up and  placed her hand on Lauren's shoulder making Lauren wince in pain.

"Why?" Camila frowned.

"It's nothing.. just be careful next time, okay?" Lauren said as she removes Camila's hand on her shoulder.

"Okay.. I promise. Thank you for everything. I owe you one" Camila smiled as she sits back down on the bed.

"No problem.. besides, Dinah would kick my ass if I didn't help you" Lauren chuckled.

"Guess she would" Camila chuckled along with Lauren "I guess we're friends now?"

"Yeah.. I'd like that" Lauren smiled.

"So.." Camila finished her bacon and licked her fingers "how did I get in these clothes?" Camila asked while she chews her food.

"Chris is the expert in undressing women with his eyes closed.. He said your body is smoking hot"

"What?! What if he saw me naked?!" Camila groaned while Lauren laughs.

"Chill.. I'm kidding" Lauren laughed.

"You're an ass" Camila threw a pillow hitting Lauren in the face which made her laugh even more.

"By the way, what time is it?" Camila asked before finishing her pineapple juice.

Lauren grabbed her phone on the night stand "It's 9:42"

"Shit" Camila whispered before grabbing the tray and placing it on the night stand "My dad's gonna kill me" Camila jumped off the bed.

"Relax" Lauren walked to her dresser and took out Camila's keys along with her phone and clothes  "Here"

"I don't have time to change.. I'll just wash this and give it back to you on Monday" Camila grabbed her things and hugged them on her chest.

"Come on" Lauren walked towards the door while Camila followed her.

"Hi there!" Mike yelled when he spots the two walking towards the front door.

"Oh Hi Mr.." Camila looked at Lauren

"Jauregui" Lauren smiled

"Hi Mr. Jauregui" Camila smiled.

"Dad.. this is Camila" Lauren introduced the both of them.

"Thank you for letting me stay here Mr. Jauregui" Camila offered her hand for a hand shake.

Mike gave her a hug instead which Camila reciprocated "You're welcome here all the time" Mike gave Lauren a look while he hugs Camila.

"What?" Lauren mouthed. Mike broke the hug and smiled at Camila.

"Thank you.. Mike" Camila chuckled.

"Dad she needs to go.. she's in a hurry" Lauren said as she leads Camila to the door.

"Oh okay.. take care Camila" Mike gave Camila a small wave before walking to the kitchen.

"Your family is nice" Camila chuckled while Lauren opens the door for her.

Camila stepped out and frowned "Oh"

"What?" Lauren asked standing behind Camila.

"I'm home"

Lauren looked at her confused "What do you mean?"

Camila turned around to face Lauren before pointing at the house next to them "That's me"

"We're neighbors?!" Lauren exclaimed and Camila nodded.

"And you're the creep who's always creeping on my window?" Camila asked while smirking.

"I was not creeping.. I was just curious!"

"Of what?" Camila quirked a brow


They both turned their heads and saw Alejandro standing on his front door with his arms crossed.

"Shit" Camila whispered "See you later Lauren"

Camila walked towards her car while Alejandro glares at Lauren.


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