Chapter 8

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"Lauren can we please talk?" Lucy walked towards Lauren who just stepped out of her car.

"I'll see you later" Taylor smiled at her sister before walking inside the building.

Lauren tried to ignore Lucy but she grabbed Lauren's wrist to stop her from walking away again. Lauren rolled her eyes and finally  faced Lucy. She has been ignoring her for a few days now and this is the first time that she gave her attention.

"I'm really sorry" Lucy grabbed Lauren's hands but Lauren pulled them away.

"Sorry can't fix it Lucy" Lauren sighed.

"I know.." Lucy's eyes shifted on the ground "I really like you Lauren"

"Then why did you do it?"

"I..I don't know" Lucy sighed.

"I'm late for class.. Go back to Mahone" Lauren spat and turned her back on Lucy.

"I don't want him. I want you!" Lucy yelled making Lauren stop in her tracks.

"You don't want him?" Lauren let out a sarcastic laugh before facing her again "Seems like you wanted him so bad when I caught you two in the shower"

Lucy stayed quiet not knowing how to respond at what Lauren just said.

"Lauren I..I" Lucy stammered.

"Just stop" Lauren sighed before finally walking away.


"So it's friday!" Dinah clapped excitedly. "What should we do?"

"I wanna drink" Lauren blurted out. It's their free period and they we're hanging out on the bleachers.

"Minors are not allowed in a bar or a club" Ally said with her eyes glued on the book she's reading.

"We own 2 clubs here.. I got you guys" Lauren smirked.

"Holy shit.." Normani whispered with wide eyes.

"I'm in" Camila smirked at Lauren.

There she goes again. Lauren thought.

Lauren and Camila never talks about what's been happening between the two of them. They just let it be. If it happens then Lauren would just go with the flow. It's just a kiss anyway and she likes kissing Camila.

"Party it is" Dinah grins at her friends.

"Great! I'll pick you all up at 8?" Lauren asked and all her friends nodded.

"Oh.. can we bring dates?" Camila asked making Lauren frown which was noticed by Dinah.

"Do you have a date?" Lauren asked and Camila nodded.

"Uhh.. yeah sure" Lauren shrugged while Camila squeaks in excitement.

"So who's the guy?" Dinah asked as her eyes travels from Camila to Lauren.

"You'll see" Camila answered while smirking.


Lauren borrowed her dad's Range Rover

Lauren borrowed her dad's Range Rover

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