Chapter 58

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Lauren woke up with a throbbing pain in her head. She slowly opened her eyes and squinted as she waits for her eyes to adjust from the brightness of the room. She scanned the room full of balloons with a handwritten get well soon and wake up Jauregui. She tried to speak but her throat is too dry. The door opened and Clara walked in holding a bouquet of sunflowers and a cup of coffee.

"Oh my god" Clara whispered as she walks towards Lauren placing the flowers and coffee on the table before holding Lauren's hand "Thank god you're awake"

"" Lauren tried to speak.

"Yes of course" Clara grabbed a cup of water and a straw "I'll be back in a sec okay?"

Lauren nodded as she drank all the water her mom gave her. After a few minutes her mom came back with a doctor.

"How are you feeling?" The doctor asked as he checks Lauren's vitals.

"Like shit. My head is killing me" Lauren replied. "Mom?"

"Hmmm?" Clara replied.

"Where's Camila?"

"We can talk about that later sweetie.. you need rest"

"I'm very well rested.. how long was I out?" Lauren frowned.

"2 days" Clara sighed

"Camila?" Lauren's voice cracked.

"She's still missing"

"Oh my god" Lauren whimpered

"Don't worry the police are doing everything to find her" Clara sat down.

"Don't worry too much Ms. Jauregui you're head is still recovering.. Stress and too much overthinking will trigger headaches" The doctor said and Clara nodded.

"Thank you"

"I'll be back with some medicines" The doctor smiled before walking away.

"It's my fault.. I was there. I promised her.. I promised her I would protect her" Lauren sobbed.

"It's not your fault baby" Clara rubbed Lauren's hand with her thumb.

"She must be so scared right now" Lauren wiped her tears off her cheeks "What about her bodyguard? Matthew?"

"He woke up last night. The doctors stitched the wound on his head"

"What about Alejandro?"

"He's not mad at you" Clara smiled "He's doing the best he can to find his daughter"

"It all happened so fast" Lauren sighed. "I hope she's okay"

"She will be.. It's Camila were talking about here. She's a fighter" Clara smiled.

"I'm scared mom" Lauren whimpered "I don't know what I would do if I lost her.. I can't just stay here and do nothing.. I need to find her"

"I know sweetie" Clara sighed as she wraps her arms around her daughter "Let's just pray and hope she's okay.. don't worry we'll find her. For now just rest honey"


"Fuck" Camila groaned as she pushes herself up on a bed. She tried to move her right leg but she can't. "What the fuck?" Camila frowned as she stares at a cast on her leg.

"It's broken"

Camila turned her head to the other side of the room.

"What the fuck?" Camila whispered "Cole?!"

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