Gender swapping characters

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This doesn't bother me much, but it still doesn't make sense. When changing the character's personality for the sake of the story, I can understand it, even if I don't exactly agree. But why do you need to change people's gender?

For example, Naruko. Why do you do that? Is it just for the straight pairings or do you think a girl protagonist is cute? And why does it change the personality the majority of time?

Like, the personality changes from the canon Naruto to the Akko-like (little witch academia) or the Levy-like(Fairy Tail) type of personality! Not that they're bad, but it's just very disappointing on how the gender suddenly changes everything.

Satsuki Uchiha(Fem Sasuke) is an example of big changes. While canon Sasuke is serious and cocky, Satsuki is a Hinata 2.0! How does the gender change the despair of seing your loved ones killed by your brother? Oh right, it doesn't. At least, it shouldn't.

And when I see one where the personality doesn't change, I keep wondering why did they change it in the first place. Of course, sometimes I see obviously that the reason is that they want a straight pairing because they're homophobic, but the others don't even have a ship! Is it just for the sake of a female main character? I can understand why you would want a MC like that, the big majority of  MC's being boys and we could get to see more do the flawed side of Naruto's society and we could be shown how much the character's life will change. (If people will think differently of them because of their gender) I'm just not a fan. There are great gender swap stories, though.

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