More Than Human

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It had taken an hour of silent sobbing before you found the will to stand up. Unfortunately, you just fell back to the ground, the gash in your thigh making it impossible to move your legs without feeling like you were on fire. Gasping for air, you tried to crawl, your mind and body deadest on escaping.

The man with the goggles had left a while ago, not saying anything as he pulled his axe out; leaving you too horrified to react. Even now you couldn't bare to look at your hand. You had expected one of them to come back soon; to continue questioning and tormenting you. At first you were willing to wait for them; all thoughts of escape severed. Just like your finger. You cringed at the thought, continuing to drag your legs along until you stumbled to the door.

But after waiting for a while, you decided you couldn't give up. You wanted to live. You were going to live, dammit.

Grasping your good hand around the knob, you tugged desperately. It was locked. A part of you knew it would be locked, those monsters despite how twisted they were- were not stupid. Of course they'd lock the door. Forcing yourself to calm down, you glanced around the room. What were you going to do now? You doubted they'd leave a spare key in the room, and you doubted you had the strength to bust the door down.

As if to worsen the situation, you began to hear footsteps; heavy footsteps.

First you felt fear crawling up your spine, followed by the throbbing pain that plagued your body. You knew it was about to get worse. Much, much worse. Then suddenly it hit you. With a grim frown, you forced yourself onto your feet again, clenching your teeth to keep from yelping in pain. You didn't have time to crawl around, and your determination to escape was far greater then the pain in your thigh. You quickly headed towards the lamp, searching for the plug before yanking it out. The room was consumed by darkness, and following nothing but instinct, you lifted up the lamp, making you way back to the door. You pressed your back into the wall, your hands tightening around the lamp. You felt the flesh of your ruined finger press up against the dusty object, making you wince in bitter pain.

The next sound you heard was that of a key, soft crinkling followed before the door was thrown open; slamming against the opposing wall. You were glad you chose to hide on this side, rather then the other. Having that door slam into your stomach didn't sound too good. The man, who you recognized as Jeff, quickly took a step into the room. Before he could notice you missing, you quickly you lashed out; slamming the lamp into his head. You heard him groan as he fell with a thud, his hands coming to examined the back of his head.

You were hoping the impact would knock him out, but somehow he was conscious as he tried to sit up. Something primal inside you sparked as you dropped the lamp on his head again, delivering a few swift kicks into his stomach. God, how you hated this man.

Your breathing was ragged by the time you were done; all of your anger condensed into your kicks. It felt good to get a little rage out, to hurt those who were hurting you. What made it a little unsatisfying was the fact that he was still conscious. You watched as he began to get up, the fire in his eyes intensifying. Why wouldn't he just stay down?

You knew you couldn't outrun him, not with that gash in your thigh. So instead you looked to the door, noticing the key was still in place. Quickly you moved over his stirring body, getting outside the room before pulling the door closed. You decided to grab the key before turning to scan your surroundings. Hopefully he wasn't capable of busting down a door either. Your kicks must have at least ensured that, right?

A sinking part of you doubted that. There seemed to be something off about that man, there seemed to be something off about both of them actually. Something wrong. Inhumane. A sharp bang pulled you out of your thoughts, and you quickly turned to see the door shake. He was on his feet already?

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