Why Clowns?

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Chapter Text
"More water Miss?"

This was the third time the F.B.I agent asked that question. Then again this was the third time you finished a glass. Since you got into the little, metal bed, your nerves have been on edge, and apparently that resulted in a lot of water consumption. There was one agent, a fairly polite one, that stood beside the hospital bed. His hands were clasped and his smile was soft as he adjusted the recording device on the side-table. A little across the room was the other agent, a stern looking woman with her back to the door. She seemed annoyed and angry, and unfortunately both of those emotions were directed towards you. The other person in the room was the nurse, a timid woman who kept her head down while the officers asked you question after question.

"I know you've been through a very traumatic experience." The male officer began to speak as the nurse refilled your glass. "And I know reliving it is the last thing you want, but what you know can potentially save lives."

You wanted that, didn't you? To help people, to save lives if you could. It was basic morals to cooperate with law enforcement, to help them protect this world in any way they could. This was your civic duty, yet thinking back to the events of yesterday was tormenting. The gash in your thigh seemed to burn simply at the thought of that deranged man, plunging his knife wherever he pleased, all the while smiling that awful smile.

You weren't sure how you were keeping it together, your hands were constantly sweaty and you couldn't help but constantly glance at the door. Even with that annoyed agent pressed up against it, a part of you expected the door to burst open at any second. A part of you could picture it perfectly. Those horrifying faces, those insane eyes, the sharp glint of their weapons, as they came to finish the job. As they came to finish you off.

"Do you recognize this man?" the male agent opened the file he had in his hands since he first entered the room. He removed an image before holding it up you. It was slightly blurry, and the figure in it seemed to be turning away, one of his eyes barely acknowledging the camera. You recognized him immediately. It was quite hard not to notice the whiteness of his skin, or the darkness around his eyes.

"Jeff." You whispered, noticing how your voice trembled at the very name. God how you hated him, hated him for making you feel so weak and scared.

"Jeffery Woods." The man nodded, "Notorious serial killer, number three on our most wanted list. He usually kills his victims right away, he's never kidnapped before."

"I guess I'm special." You mumbled, dry sarcasm lacing your tired voice.

"And this man, do you recognize him too?" the agent now pulled out another image. The man in the image was looking down at the camera, his eyes stern as he looked almost annoyed at the sight of it. His goggles and face-mask gave him away though, and you nodded your head.

"Toby." You replied, and the agent nodded again.

"Tobias Rogers, yes." The man began to explain, "He usually kills with this group of his, we don't see him on his own much. But once again, we've never heard of him kidnapping. So, I know this is difficult but do you have any idea why these men wanted you alive?"

You only blinked up at the agent. There was so much to say, so much to tell. They were cruel, unforgiving, they tortured without remorse and asked unanswerable questions. All that pain, all that distress. And what was the point of it all? Some roommate who left you on your ass months ago? Claire. They wanted Claire. You still didn't know why, but at this moment, you really didn't care.

"Look, we're on a tight schedule." The woman finally spoke, her tone as angry as her expression. "The more time you waste contemplating is more time those killers are at large. For all you know they could have taken more lives. Do you want that on your hands? I get it, you've been through hell, and hey, it sucks. But you need to help us prevent that from happening to other. So, fucking cooperate."

Five Ticks 'Til I'm Yours (Dark Ticci Toby x Reader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin