The Perks of a Hairdryer

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Fear and shock.

Two emotions, both very different but yet they were often found in the same places. It's not like you particularly paid attention to your emotions, but it was hard not to today. Whirling around, you dove behind a dumpster, not exactly something you were too enthusiastic about. But hey, desperate times call for desperate measures. Fighting back the urge to throw up, you scooted closer to the cold metal, your nose crinkling at the smell.

Everything was still for the next few moments, nothing moved, nothing stirred. The only audible sound was the beating of your heart; fierce and strong as it hammered against your ribcage. Instinctively your hand pressed over your lips, muffling your breathing as you tried to integrate into the quietness. Silently you wished the world would just swallow you up; hide you, if only for a moment. But it didn't. Nothing happened, and perhaps that would be okay as well. Perhaps everything would be okay.

As if on cue you heard soft footsteps, your peace of mind shattering in an instant. Your body couldn't help but tense as you prayed the darkness would hide you. Coyly your eyes wandered to the bricked wall a little ahead of you; indicating the end of the alleyway. You were trapped in here. It's not like you were trying to get cornered, a girl could only run so fast before tiring; even with adrenaline pumping through her veins. Unfortunately for you this was the case. There was no way you could've kept running, you needed a break, you needed to hide. You needed him to not notice you.

The footsteps continued now, becoming louder with each passing seconds. To your dismay he was coming into the alley. But why? How did he know you were hiding here? Well... perhaps he didn't. Of course, he didn't. There was no way he saw you go in here, there was no way he knew. This was probably a precaution of sorts, he'd simply glance around to be sure then leave. There was no way he'd notice you behind the dumpster; the shadows provided enough cover.

Suddenly the footsteps stopped, the sharp whistling of wind replacing the silence.

You closed your eyes, waiting, praying, hoping.

(Earlier that Night)~

You had come home with a bag full of books and papers, your laptop in your arms; pressed against your chest. Sighing, you had opened the front door, placing your items on a table before walking into the washroom without a word. Your towel was where you had left it, hanging on the rack, simply waiting for you. After acknowledging it you preceded to take your clothes off, tossing them aside before you turned on the shower. The hot water felt good against your skin; melting away the stress of the day.

Life sucked.

You felt petty and privileged for thinking like that, but it was true. Your life was so boring, so plain, and so full of work. There was no time for breakfast when you had so much sleep to catch up on, the daily load of university homework and classes had you booked. Not to mention how difficult it was to juggle school with your job. If only your boss wasn't so strict, if only he'd give you a little more free-time. But then, how would you pay for this place?

It wasn't always so bad.

It used to be a lot easier a few months ago, back when you lived with your roommate; Claire. She wasn't exceptionally nice, but the two of you did get along, in all honestly she was kind of funny. Like the big sister you never wanted, but couldn't help appreciating. She helped you pay rent, even going as far as to help you study. You weren't childhood friends or anything, instead you had met by chance. She needed a place, you needed a place, and splitting the rent sounded like a good idea at the time.

Too bad she left so abruptly, leaving you nothing but a note? The nerve of some people.

Silently you began working shampoo into your hair before angling your head underneath the showerhead. Your attention turned to the drain as you got the shampoo out, watching the bubbly water trail down your body. It was better to distract yourself with simple things. Far better then pondering all the things you had yet to do. Three essays? A huge reading list? And work first thing tomorrow morning? Damn, now you're thinking about it.

Five Ticks 'Til I'm Yours (Dark Ticci Toby x Reader) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu