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Every night since your abduction was spent in a dreamless state of mind, every sleep empty and dark. Tonight, was the exception. For the first time in a long time you woke up in the morning feeling a certain tingling sensation as you recalled the dream you just had. It was the type of dream that left you confused, dazed, frustrated, and unfortunately warm and almost happy. It left a fuzzy feeling inside you and even though you knew how demented it was, the feeling wouldn't go away. Even now it was so clear in your head.

You were in a kitchen, looking cleaner and healthier than you had in ages. Your hair was tidy and done up, a long skirt hung around your legs, an apron on top. These weren't the type of clothes you'd normally wear, yet there you were, bent over a sink, humming to yourself as you did dishes. No, this wasn't normal at all, yet your dream-self seemed completely content with the warm coziness in the atmosphere.

A doorbell rung, and your dream-self immediately closed the sink, wiping her hands on her apron before turning around and walking out of the kitchen and towards the door. Now you were able to see how large the house was, suburban and well-decorated, almost perfect, almost familiar. You recalled the houses you used to dream up as a child, and this house in particular seemed like a complete replica. Your dream-self had almost reached the front door when a little boy beat her to it, a smaller girl trailing behind him.

"Dad's home!" the boy grinned, opening the door as the little girl frantically tried to stand on her tippy toes and see over her brother's shoulders. You took that moment to lean against the wall, hands in apron as Toby walked into the house, easily lifting up the boy. You had never seen him in a suit before, and dream-Toby seemed to do a fine job of pulling one off. He was saying something to the child, only pausing when the younger girl tugged at his pants. That's when the warm feeling began to sink into your stomach, making you tingle from head to toe. Your eyes caught his for a brief moment and you smiled before walking back into the kitchen, leaving him to greet the children.

Dream time moved faster than regular time, but it still seemed too soon when he walked in behind you.

"Aren't you gonna greet me?" he asked, his smile matching yours as he came to stand right beside you against the counter.

"Greetings and salutations," was your dream-self's smartass reply.

He rolled his eyes at that before leaning in for a kiss, one that your dream-self easily complied to giving.

"You need to take Troy to the dentist tomorrow," you said as you pulled away and he immediately nodded along before trying to go in again. This time your dream-self decided to be a little more playful, leaning away and smiling in a rather enticing manner. He raised an eyebrow at that, loosening his tie before taking a few intimidating steps towards you.

And that was when you woke up, sitting on the couch, contemplating what you had just seen. God, what was wrong with you? What had happened last night? Where you in your right mind? It all felt so insane, so abnormal. This isn't how a regular person should react yet you knew deep down you'd do it again in a heartbeat, and that, made you feel unbelievably guilty.

"Morning," his voice broke you out of your little trance and you found yourself peering up as he came around and slumped down on the couch, setting a beer bottle on the coffee table. "H-how'd ya sleep?"

"Oh, uh..." how do you answer that? "You shouldn't drink..." by avoiding the question of course.

He gave you a look before peering down at the bottle, clearly unamused. He was in different clothes now, his hair wet by the looks of it. The man was avid about showering, which didn't surprise you considering the cleanliness of his washroom back when you stayed at the big house.

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