New Sheriff In Town.

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Chapter 10: New Sheriff In Town.

"Holden, what the fuck was I suppose to do?" Ruby snapped.

"Be a fucking wife-" He argued as he tossed some more clothes in a suitcase. He walked across their room as she followed, "I was backed to a corner. I had to do what was in the best interest of Napa."

"And I hope Napa, keeps you warm at night-I need some space." Holden told her as he slammed the bathroom door as she tried to come in.

Meanwhile, Travis and Mir sat shaking outside in the waiting room as they watched every doctor walk out causing their heart to drop. Suddenly, the door open and out walked Doctor Foster. They both hopped to their feet and Travis asked, "Is she dead?"

"Travis, your mom WBC and Tcells has dropped drastically. We have gotten her stable and she in fact has confessed she is refusing to take the medications. She wants to see you two now. Come with me." Doctor Foster told them.

They walked down the hall and into the room. Travis rushed over to the bed and snapped, "Mom, are you fucking kiddig me!? What are you doing? Why are you refusing the meds?"

"I dont feel like myself on them." She said in a raspy voice. Mir turned to the Doctor and asked, "And how long she has left if she refuses to take the meds."

"two to four weeks." She stated as Travis body went limp and he leaned against the bed.

"This-" He started as she grabbed his hand. He turned to her and she stated, "Lets make this the best two to four weeks I can ask for. Im tired baby." Tears ran down Mir face as he held his hand over his mouth.

1 Week Later.


"You need rest. Go back up into the bed." I told Cortni as she walked around the kitchen trying to help me prepare breakfast. Finding her at that rehab center last week was a sight I was so shocked and felt so bad for her. All this time I have had this opinion that she was cheating on me and had another nigga...however, that man was her Sober Partner and she had been hiding such a vulnerable thing from me. I dont understand why.

"Im fine. Where is Derek?" She asked me.

"Already off to school. Symphony, You, and I are having breakfast-" I said as she shot me a look when she heard Symphony name. Its no was she know what almost happened between us. Something else must be on her mind.

"Is everything alright?" I asked her. She chuckled and sat down on a bar stool and exhaled, "Everything is fine..I think-but if Im being honest Symphony dont have our best interest at heart..I think she is obsessed with you. We had a very strange conversa"

"Morning Folks." Symphony said all cheery cutting Cortni off. We both shot her a look as she laughed, "Did I walk into something? I just smelled your amazing sausage cooking and had to get down here and get one in my mouth."

"Everything is fine. Take a seat." Cortni told her as she smiled at Cortni and asked, "So how are you feeling 7 days sober?"

"Excuse me?" Cortni asked.

"No need to be ashamed. Many people struggle with addiction, but with Dandy, your brother, and our new baby by your side you will get thru this." She stated as Cortni corrected her, "OUR new baby..not yours."

Symphony gave off this fake laugh and said, "You know what I meant."

"No I didnt." Cortni sternly replied as I butted in, "OKAY
! So everyone grab a plate...while I serve you two.


"I have my certfications and minor degree to become a teacher assistant for the rest of the school year in hopes to be a teacher next school year." I told the Principal at Alton as he reviewed my resume. He licked his lips and stated, "Ill be honored to have a fellow Avenger as my employee. I do have one question. How long do you plan on staying in Napa?"

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