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Chapter 8: Resignation. (Part1)

"I DIDNT FUCKING TOUCH HIM RUBY!" Holden snapped as he paced their bedroom floor as she tied her robe around her waist.

"Well how do you explain the camera feeds being are the only one to access to that room and if so then who? Because he sure as fuck didnt self harm himself while in Handcuffs. Ive been forced to address this issue tomorrow. The town want something done about this situation." Ruby stated as he stopped and gave her a glare.

"So you dont believe me?" He asked her.

"I mean Benji said yall joked about it when he was up at the station. Look, its not if I believe you or not. You are a figure in this town that the people have instilled trust into to protect them at all cost. And your past is very colorful"

"Ruby, I didnt touch Daniel."

"That isnt the story he is telling doctors and those Detectives from County." She argued as he wiped his head and started chuckling.

"I am being setup. I left that station after a 30 seconds conversation with him. Where are my bruise knuckles? Huh?" He snapped reaching his hands out towards her and she looked down at them and they was ashy but far from bruised.

"Ruby, I know what the board is going to tell you to do, and if so I rather resign"

"Holden. The board wants me to have you arrested and face a judge! Resignation maybe the judge call, but not mine." She confessed as she sat down on the bed and his chest sanked in.

"Your grandpa didnt hurt that man. Its all a misunderstanding. And it will be sorted out Alexa." Dandy told his daughter as they sat at the dinner table enjoying a meal.

"But the kids at my school are saying different. Mommy picked me up early because all eyes was on the Sheriff's granddaughter. However, I dont believe Papa would hurt him" She explained as knocks erupted at the door. Dandy stood up and said, "Go get your bag. This is most likely your mom." Dandy rose from the chair and rushed down the hall and unlocked the door. Kori stood out there as she zipped her jacket.

"I was going to let her stay because her principal feels that the past few days have been hard on her dealing with what your Dad did." Kori stated.

"He didnt hurt Danny."

"I honestly dont give a fuck if he did or not! Daniel deserves much worse than an ass whooping. But when it starts effecting our little girl then thats when I have a problem" She quickly shut up as Alexa came up to the door and she continued, "Go wait in the car." She ran off and Dandy said, "HEY! No goodnight ritual?" She ran back on the porch and he picked her up and they hugged and he kissed her cheek.

"Love you, beanhead."

"Love you too, bighead."

She ran off and Kori smiled and said, "You worship the ground that girl walks on. So when is your new bundle of joy due to touchdown?"

"She has a scheduled C-section in about a week and a half. Ive got the baseball team coming over Saturday to baby-proof the house and finish painting and such for the room." He told Kori. She rubbed her arms and asked, "Cort?"

"Work. Its for the better. When she isnt here is when it isnt fighting. I rather it just be Symphony and I." He Symphony listened to their conversation around the corner.

"Derek?" Kori asked.

"A friends. He is fine. Its tough for him so he trying to come to terms with this seperation. How are you? I know we havent really been speaking since that night in your kitchen."

"Yeah we keep saying no more but when we are alone we cant tend to keep our hands off eachother..but anyways I am good. My mom is officially retiring in a month and I can put my business degree to use by taking over as owner of her clinic. All is looking well" She told him as they smiled at eachother. They heard the horn honking and they hugged and said goodnight. Dandy closed and locked the door. He heard, "fuck!" He spun around and rushed into the kitchen and seen Symphony leaned over the sink with water running.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Cut myself. Im so stupid." She chuckled as he rushed over and grabbed her hand softly and examined the small cut.

"Oh its just a nick. Ill go get my firstaid kit. Stay here and ill take care of you." He told her.

"Thanks. You are so amazing." She stated.

The Next Morning.


"Dad, if he didnt do it then it would make no sense for him to resign." I told my Dad as he poured syrup over his pancakes.

"I know we have been living in the Holden 2.0 world but if anybody had the power to bring back the Holden that shot me square in the Daniel Scottman. I know the board will be pushing for your mom to have him taken down and face a judge. Daniel is literally ID'ing him. And even if he is lying with their past and motivation of hate against eachother..its not far fetch."My Dad told me as I rubbed my hand and laughed, "I swear I regret moving from Miami. Things was nice there when it came to drama."

"Nice or hidden well?" My Dad shaded me as I licked my lips. I stared over my Dad shoulder at Malik at the counter eating his food.

"So how is the new security detail going?" He asked. I choked and coughed a few times.

"Good..Im shocked you and Ericka still here and not off jetting to the next continent for months!" I said diverting the conversation.

"Well...I mean your mom needs her advisor more than ever right now. Ericka wants too, but we are in Napa for awhile, plus Cris misses her so she needs be here for him and I dont"

"OHH SO THE SHERIFF SON IS RIGHT HERE!! HOW ABOUT I FUCK HIM UP JUST BECAUSE I WANT TOO!" Some black built man said as he stood right by our table. Suddenly, I slid out of the booth as my Dad exhaled, "Sir, we are just trying to enjoy breakfast. Lets not go there."


Malik slid up behind him and tapped his shoulder. And as he turned around Malik punched his dead in the face and he dropped to the floor.

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