Back Again

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Chapter 1: Back Again.


"Welcome to Napa." I mumbled from the driver seat as I read the sign that introduced the town of Pep. Pep is something I havent had in a long while. Travis and I havent been the same since he have self-diagnosed himself to that damn wheelchair. And him outing me a few weeks ago for cheating on
him sent me into a tailspin. He was so offbase its not even funny. That lawyer was actually in our home because I was discussing how would I go about getting a divorce and yes we kissed. Thats all. I know how can I cheat on a man Ive been in love with since the dawn of time. Well, thats just it Travis isnt this man at all. He is an angry, pissed, and hury soul that thinks his troubles trumps this love for me. I probably cant tell you how his dick looks on hard. Thats how bad it has been.

Moments later, I turned into the Mayors Mansion and typed in the gatecode. The black gates open and I rode up to the house. My mother was re-elected as mayor just 2 weeks ago. Ten Year Mayoral SHIT. She loves it she has really turned things around. I couldnt be more proud of her. And as for my Dad, he has been keeping the straight and narrow..running a safe and protecting police unit in town. They ranked 5 in stations across Florida. I parked the car and seen an unfamiliar Jeep.

I turned the car off and asked, "So are you going to walk around to get your own wheelchair or do you need me to bring it to you." I stared over at him and he retorted, "I aint using that chair." I shot a look over at him as he opened the car door and stepped out. He limped a tadbit, due to what happened—but it looks good to see him all the way standing. I stepped out and walked around as he knocked at the door. The butler, Geoffery, opened the door and I rushed and hugged him.

"Benji! What a pleasure? I havent seen you since that Christmas 3 years ago." He told me making me actually realized I havent been home in awhile. I usually let my twin brother and sister come to Miami along with my niecey-pooh Alexa. But after this summer with them-whew I need a break. One 10 year old and 2 nine year olds have too much energy for me.

"Who Jeep is that?" I asked Geoffery as I looked back at it.

"A.C. He is back from Bali. He came in 2 AM. Drunk off his ass and in need of some parenting." Geoffery told me as I squinted in confusion. My brother have been traveling all over the world as a club promoter. However, he got to Bali like 4 months ago and kind of stayed. I suspected it he had found someone, but nothing was ever posted and he sure as fuck aint tell me. Travis and I walked around into the living area and seen my Dad standing in his Sheriff uniform as he tapped the remote at the TV.

"GEOFF! I think the batteries are not working!" He yelled.

I crossed my arms and said, "Oh Holden...turn the damn remote around..its facing you." He looked back and gasped, "SON!" He ran over to me and picked me up.

"OH MY FUCK! I cant believe it." He said all happily as he then clapped up Travis.

"Do your mom know?" He asked.

"No...This was a last minute decision. I was hoping can we stay here as we search for a house." I confessed as he covered his mouth.

"So yall are back, back? This is an amazing surprise and fucking ofcourse. Your brother and sister would be too happy. Trust me they havent stopped talking about summer in Miami with you. At Sunday dinner last night Dandy was just saying how he missed you two?"

"How is Dandrickseth?" I asked.


"TIM!! Step up to the diamond and swing the damn bat. Stop being so damn scared." I snapped at the timid shy nerd boy who had been placed on my Baseball team at Alton. He literally told me straight up he joined because he needed a sport on his college application. I felt for him and allowed him to join because I witnessed this team turn even my flambouyant ass brother into a killer ass baseball player. However Tim is scared of every damn thing.

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