Potions with Horace

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It was the first day of classes as I've had Defence that morning. And at the moment, me and Neville were laughing as we watched everyone make their way to lessons, especially the first years as the corridors were crowded and Mcgonagall was trying to restore order as usual.

"History of Magic is upstairs, ladies, not down." Minerva said to the first years. "Mr Davies! Mr Davies! That is the girls lavatory." Minerva said to the boy.

I and Neville were laughing when I felt Mcgonagall look towards us.

"Worthless." Minerva called and I paled. What have I done now? I just didn't know.

"This can't be good with McGonagall." I muttered and Neville chuckled and I jumped and then walked amongst the fray, carefully as I came to McGonagall who was shaking her head slightly.

"Enjoying ourselves, are we?" Minerva said and it looked like Worthless was holding her laughter in as she had tears pricking her eyes and Minerva wondered why this girl wasn't on her way to Potions.

"I had a free period this morning." I said with hint of amusement in my voice.

"So I notice. I would think you would want to fill it with Potions. Or is it no longer your ambition to become an Auror?" Minerva asked and I thought about this. Do I want to become an Auror? I like teaching and some other things but...I'm just trying to survive my life.

"It was...but unfortunately I got an E in my Potions due to circumstances." I said to this as I couldn't use magical quills to write things down or have brail to read my theory. Even though I was a young Potion Mistress from what Severus informed me.

Minerva raised an eyebrow to Worthless. "So you did get an Exception but unfortunately Professor Snape isn't teaching Potions this year and Professor Slughorn accepts Es." Minerva said and I sighed, I didn't want to go due everything with Dumbledore wanting me to get close to him.

But as I was about to answer, students started to laugh and I smiled, knowing exactly what everyone just saw as I snorted in laughter as Severus came looking for the one person who did this as his hair was red and gold like Gryffindor! He knew exactly who did this to him as he heard the students laugh as he had a red nose like a clown!

Severus glared playfully at Worthless who he saw smirking and he knew exactly what she did.

"WORTH!" Severus shouted to her and I couldn't help smirking towards him.

"Oh and take Longbottom with you he's looking far too happy over there." Minerva said as she saw her son like this and I smirked, and I with Neville ran as se run from Severus coming after the two of us, knowing if we got caught we'd be doomed.

"Gain way!" I shouted and Neville was laughing as we ran as quickly as we could ditching Severus who looked furious.


As I and Neville panted with laughter as we ran away from Severus knowing we've lost him.

"We're so dead with the others." Neville said and smirked.

"Yeah but come on, we have potions due to McGonagall wants me to do it but the thing is...Potter." I said and then sneered, knowing Potter was in my favourite class.

"But I don't want to do potions." Neville groaned. "I can't get on the Quidditch team since Potter is the captain. You would have probably been it if you got on the damned team but guess what? Golden boy gets noticed. We haven't won a single game each year because he's crap." Neville complained and I knew that was true, Potter couldn't ever catch the damned snitch unless he cheated somehow.

"I don't really care anymore. I've got Voldemort to worry about which is more important than a game, Neville." I said to that one as I used to love Quidditch but ever since Potter first year I've kind of lost my fun but with Voldemort, I can't have fun due to he could kill me any second if I let my guard down,

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