Placing a task on Severus

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It was raining on the muggle streets of Surrey. "Cissy! You can't do this! He can't be trusted by Voldemort. Worth will kill us if we do this." Bellatrix said as she walked in her cloak with her sister, Narcissa Malfoy.

"The Dark Lord trusts him." Narcissa said as they walked down an alleyway.

"Voldemort as we know is mistaken. Worth's going to kill us." Bellatrix said trailing her sister.

"Pfft." Narcissa said and Bellatrix groaned quietly as they heard children chattering and they hid and carried on. "And keep in character around Severus." Narcissa added and Bellatrix rolled her eyes and did so. "Even with your damned crush on him." Bellatrix glared to her viciously at that being mentioned.

As they got there,  Narcissa knocked on a black door and Severus was reading a newspaper in his room as Narcissa and Bellatrix was being rained down upon, when someone came to the door and opened it, to reveal Pettigrew.

When that happened, Severus sat in a chair, as Narcissa and Bellatrix was led into the room. "Run along, Wormtail." Severus said to Pettigrew and then flicked his wand and the door shut and locked as he didn't want a rat to be there.

"I know I ought not to be here." Narcissa said as she had a drink in hand after Severus gave her one. "The Dark Lord himself forbade me to speak of this." Narcissa said and to this.

"If the Dark Lord has forbidden it, you ought not to speak." Severus said as Bellatrix picked something up looking curious. "Put it down, Bella. We mustn't touch what isn't ours." Severus said and Bellatrix placed both arms at the side of her. Severus though looked to Narcissa not seeing Bellatrix mimicking him and smirked.

"Worth like Severus." Bellatrix whispered to herself and shook her head with amusement at that. Worth and Severus were very alike.

"As it so happens, I'm aware of your situation, Narcissa." Severus informed and Bellatrix was a bit shocked that he already knew. The Dark Lord told him?

"You? The Dark Lord told you?" Bellatrix said in disbelief, looking at him.

"Your sister doubts me." Severus said looking at Bellatrix who looked to him. "Understandable. Over the years I've played my part well." Severus said to her. "So well, I've deceived one of the greatest wizards of all time." Severus said, trying to gain their trust. Bellatrix snorts to that one. "Dumbledore is a great wizard. Only a fool would question it."

"I don't doubt you, Severus." Narcissa said to him as Bellatrix looked towards Narcissa for that.

"Worth's in fact the greatest witch that's over looked by all." Bellatrix whispered and looked out the window to make sure no one was there.

"You should be honoured, Cissy. As should Draco." Bellatrix said and looked to the books on the shelves as she didn't want them to be honoured that they were picked by Voldemort, but as everyone says, they all have their parts to play in this war.

"He's just a boy." Narcissa said to Severus as she worried about her only son and child.

"I can't change the Dark Lords mind." Severus said to her. "But it might be possible for me to help Draco." Severus' informed and Narcissa smiled as she got up, and Bellatrix was concerned but hid it quickly as she shouldn't show emotions, even though she doesn't want anyone to do this.

"Severus." Narcissa said to him.

"Swear to it. Make the unbreakable vow." Bellatrix said to that one to Severus. "It's just empty words. He'll give it his best effort. But when it matters most he'll just slither back into his hole." Bellatrix whispered getting close up and Severus had an unemotional look. "Coward."

"Take out your wand." Severus said to that as Bellatrix pressed his buttons.

They got prepared as Narcissa and Severus interlocked arms together and Bellatrix started to do the unbreakable vow as white strings of magic went around the arms. "Will you Severus Snape watch over Draco Malfoy as he attempts to fulfill the Dark Lords wishes?" Bellatrix said and she was hesitant for him.

"I will." Severus said to that.

"And will you, to the best of your ability protect him from harm?" Bellatrix asked coming behind Narcissa.

"I will." Severus said in his none emotional voice.

"And if Draco should fail will you yourself carry out the dead the Dark Lord has ordered Draco to perform?" Bellatrix whispered to Severus and Severus looked to Narcissa who had unshed tears.

"I will." Severus said to that.

The white spell vanished and they separated arms as Bellatrix stared Severus down as they left and Narcissa rounded on Bellatrix as they walked.

"Worth is going to absolutely murder you for making Severus do that." Narcissa whispered and Bellatrix sighed.

"I know but we have to play our parts. Do you think I want Worth and Severus in all of this? No. I'd rather Worth not going up against Voldemort but she knows her task and so does Severus when it comes down it." Bellatrix said and Narcissa sighed as they both walked. Narcissa knew her sister was right.

Worthless the Forgotten One and the Half Blood PrinceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora