Horace Slughorn

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I was in subway station underground and  I had scratches on me as I was sat at a table having tea and reading the magical newspaper with me scrolling over the dots. I though rolled my eyes at: Harry Potter The Chosen One? I felt eyes on me as the lad at the cafe was looking at Worthless with a smirk as I looked to the picture of the Malfoys and I shook my head. "Lucius is safe but we all must play our part." I whispered with a sigh.

"The police are continuing with the investigation into the cause of the Millennium Bridge disaster." The radio said as I scrolled down my fingers as I read the paper and I sighed. Then I read something that made me slightly wide eyed. "Heroes on the streets save people from the collapsed bridge." I didn't want that.

The waiter then came to Worthless and smiled.

"Worthless? Who's Worthless and Harry Potter?" The waiter asked with a charming smile as I looked towards him with twitching ears as I heard him.

"Oh, no one." I said to him as I gulped slightly at a boy talking to me. "Harry Potters a big ass but Worthless is a bit of a tosser, really." I said and the waiter looked to her.

"Funny, those papers of yours. Couple of nights ago, I could have sworn I saw a picture move." The waiter said and I had my hand on my wand slightly in case I had to wipe his memories.

"Really?" I asked him.

"Thought I was going around the twist." The waiter said and I laughed a bit and he smiles, and goes away and I looked nervously as I decided to whether ask him out on a date but before I did, I spun around the waiter looked to her.

"Hey, I was wondering since I get off at 11..." The waiter started to ask Worthless.

"Yeah. Sounds good if something doesn't come up." I said and smiled and the waiter smiled.

"Then you can tell me all about that ass of a Harry Potter and about that tosser Worthless." He said to me and I checked my breathe when he turned away to see if it stunk. It didn't, luckily.

But as a train went suddenly by, a man appeared on the other side of the tracks with a teenager who didn't look happy and it was no other than Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter and my ears twitched and I groaned slightly when I looked towards their direction as I can sense their magic, and so I walked up to the waiter. "Mind if we rearrange the meeting due to my father has come and he's ill right now and unfortunately I have boarding school. But here's my number." I said and passed the waiter the number and he smiled and nodded as I walked out, to see what Dumbledore and Potter wanted.

As I came up to the two, I wasn't happy. "You've been reckless this summer, Worthless." Albus said to her as he looked to her.

"I like riding around on the trains." I said and shrugged. "It takes my mind of things." I informed but it got me away from the beatings I get from the Dursley's.

I frowned as I sensed Dark magic that made a shiver down my spine as I then glanced at where it came from, his hand and I was confused due to Dumbledore was a light wizard, and now I could sense it was changing his hand to a black. What was it?

"A rather unpleasant to behold, isn't it?" Albus asked as he showed the hand and I grimaced slightly unnoticeably to them. "The tale is thrilling, if I say so myself." He said and then looked to Potter. "But now is not the time to tell it. Take my arm, Harry and Worthless." He said to the two and Potter sneered at Worthless but I rolled my eyes, as I turned my head towards the waiter who just finished his shift, can't I go to him. "Do as I say." Albus demanded sternly but calmly and I sighed, and grabbed his arm and with that, we were side apparating as Potter was heard screaming as we landed on our feet but Potter looked sick.

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